NEDIC is a program of University Health Network's Centre for Mental Health, providing a bridge between community and care for people affected by eating disorders in Canada. We offer information, resources, referrals and support through our toll-free helpline and live chat platform, and serve individuals living with an eating disorder as well as the people who care for them, from family members and friends to healthcare providers. Our toll-free helpline and live chat services are the only such services specific to eating disorders that are national in scope. Our outreach and education programming focuses on the awareness and prevention of eating disorders, and is available online across Canada and in-person in the Greater Toronto Area.
NEDIC has a non-dieting, client-centred, feminist philosophy. We promote health-supporting practices, including enjoyable movement and eating in response to internal cues. As NEDIC recognizes that the determinants of health are varied, and that weight is not an effective gauge of health, we do not endorse dieting or weight loss services.
NEDIC strives to make our materials and services accessible to all who live in Canada regardless of financial status, geography, and other potential barriers. Our goal is to provide information and resources so that individuals are empowered to make the decision best suited to their personal circumstance.
NEDIC’s vision is a culture that promotes and supports individuals, regardless of ascribed or inherent characteristics, physical appearance, and social status.
The following team members are the tip of the iceberg. There are many volunteers and students who are also regular and vital members of the NEDIC team. NEDIC’s Advisory Committee is comprised of dedicated individuals, all of whom are leaders in their respective fields, who provide insight, advice and expertise.
Suzanne Phillips
Program Manager
Ary Maharaj
Outreach and Education Coordinator
Emily Donahue
Community Engagement Facilitator
Sara Marini
Administrative Coordinator
Emily Tam
Resource Development Coordinator
Ariel Aversa
Senior Direct Client Support Worker
Emily H.
Michelle D.
Michelle T.
And our amazing team of students and volunteers whose contributions are invaluable
Dr. Daniel Andreae (Advisory Chair)
Diane Laberge
Dale Morris
Elizabeth Pottinger
Dr. Kathryn Trottier
Meghan Watson
Rochelle Fox
Karin Jasper (Member at Large)
Leona Chase (Member at Large)
NEDIC is a program of the University Health Network, located within the Toronto General Hospital. Tax receipts are provided c/o Toronto General & Western Hospital Foundation – Charitable Registration Number 12386 4068 RR0001
We are grateful for the annual contribution by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, which has supported NEDIC for over 25 years.
Funding Partners
Unilever Canada Inc.
Dr. Daniel C. Andreae
Zest for Life Annual Fundraiser
Aubrey & Marla Dan Foundation
Telus Future Friendly Fund
Bell Canada
Dairy Farmers of Canada
Echo Foundation
Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario
Green Shield Benefits Association
Lionhart (Canada) Ltd.
RBC Foundation
Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon
Coleman Leggitt Trust
Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan
Paul and Sarah Farrell
Sick Kids Foundation
Winners Merchants International
The Women’s Future Fund
Community One Foundation
Zest for Life is our annual fundraiser in support of NEDIC’s outreach & education and helpline services.
Thank you to our sponsors.
Dr. Daniel C. Andreae
Shire Pharma Canada
Unilever Canada Inc.
Joe Brennan Architects
The Honourable J. Trevor Eyton
Dairy Farmers of Canada
Philip Sung Design Associates
RBC Foundation
Debbie Eyton, Paul Edmonds, and Hayley Findlay
Pitch Communications
Donna Slaight
WaterStone Foundation