Journalling can help you express yourself, manage anxiety and stress, clarify thoughts and feelings, and practice positive self-talk.
Note: sometimes journalling can bring up intense or uncomfortable feelings. It may be worthwhile to ensure that you carry out journalling activities in a safe and secure environment, and have a safety plan in place ahead of time.
Examples of journal prompts
Self-Care / Well-Being
Write a letter to your past self, or your future recovered self.
Imagine you're writing a letter to a friend who is struggling with body image. What would you say to them? How would you encourage them to love themself? You may be surprised to find some unexpected insight inside yourself.
Make a list of some ways you plan on prioritizing your well-being this month.
Make a list of positive affirmations to remind yourself of your worth throughout the month.
What are three things that you like about yourself? Reflect on the experience of naming those things, and any emotions that came up.
What inspires you the most? How are you planning on channeling this source of inspiration in the next month?
Ways you can be kinder to yourself and practice more self-care.
What is a quality you appreciate about yourself, and why?
What went well/what are you proud of today?
What self-judgements can you work on letting go of?
In what ways can you be more gentle with yourself this season? Write down three ideas.
How can you adjust your language to promote positive self-talk? What language would you like to stop using?
How do you show compassion to others? How can you extend that same compassion to yourself?
What words of encouragement would you offer your younger self?
Describe a way a loved one has supported you recently. What was most helpful about what they did and how can that be translated into asking for support from others?
Imagine a "toolbox" with coping skills to utilize in moments of discomfort. What are the top five skills that you would keep in your toolbox?
What is something about yourself that you are proud of? It can be big or small.
Why is strengthening the relationship with yourself meaningful to you?
What are five things that you wish your younger self could know now?
Body Appreciation
How has your body helped you today? List five ways it has supported you (e.g. breathing, dancing, laughing, etc.).
Write about something extraordinary your body has accomplished (e.g., recover from a cold, walking, yoga, etc.).
Write a letter to your body, conveying some of the reasons you appreciate it.
When is a time that you felt strong in your body? Consider what you were doing and what emotions you remember from that moment.
What is one thing you can do today to appreciate or care for your body?
"How do I feel in my body right now?" Write about what emotions come up when you ask yourself this question.
Reflect on last summer and write about something you did that you’re proud of.
If you could choose any one day to re-live, which would you choose and why?
Describe a challenge you faced recently. What skills and/or support systems did you turn to to help with this challenge?
Your vision of a day without your eating disorder.
If you could travel to anywhere in the world and spend the day there, where would you go and why?
Envision a time when you felt grounded and present in the moment when receiving support. Who were you with? What setting were you in? What made that situation feel supportive?
What is one thing that makes you feel grounded? TIP: Try to pick something that is easy to do in the moment.
What is a song that best describes how you feel right now? Are there any lyrics that really resonate with you?
Write a letter to your eating disorder.
“Who am I without my eating disorder?”
“What would my life look like without my eating disorder?”
Describe the negative impacts of your eating disorder.
Write about what’s happening in the present moment.
Identify disordered eating thoughts and how they differ from the truth.
Reasons why you can recover and how you will achieve it.
Write about a relapse and what you can do differently next time.
Where do you feel stuck and what do you need to let go of in order to grow?