Evaluating clinical foundation of the Be Body Positive website

Share your thoughts about this new website!

Researchers at King's College London in the United Kingdom are conducting an evaluation of the clinical  foundations of a new website called ‘Be Body Positive’, which provides information on body image and eating for young people, caregivers, and professionals. 

The research team is seeking participants to talk about their experiences and thoughts about the content on the website.

Who can participate?

  • Young people between the ages of 11 and 19
  • Parents, caregivers, and guardians of young people

You do not have to have an eating disorder to participate.

What will participation involve?

  • You will be asked to read information on Be Body Positive and answer some questions on a Microsoft Teams call
  • You will get a £10 voucher if you complete the study

If you have questions about this study, please e-mail alessandra.d.gentile@kcl.ac.uk or flavia.bonfadini@kcl.ac.uk

Access the study survey