Stakeholder Evaluation of MI-Coach ED: A Mobile-App Based Motivational Interviewing Intervention

Are you a clinician working in British Columbia with eating disorder populations?

Researchers in the Department of Psychology at the University of British Columbia-Okanagan are seeking participants for a study, titled “Stakeholder Evaluation of MI-Coach ED: a Mobile-App Based Motivational Interviewing Intervention for Women with Eating Disorders”, which aims to obtain stakeholder feedback regarding the MI-Coach: ED mobile app. They are evaluating whether the app, designed to increase motivation to recover from an eating disorder, is acceptable to participants and a feasible way to deliver services. 

Participation in the study will involve the completion of 2 sets of questionnaires and a 1-hour Zoom interview. It is estimated that participation will take 60-120 minutes in total. Participants will receive $20 CAD for their participation. 

In order to participate in the study, you must be: 

  1. a practicing clinician that works with eating disorder populations;
  2. currently practicing in British Columbia; and
  3. fluent in written and spoken English.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Emily Mayzes-Kotulla at