Ways of Coping, Self-Validation, and Mental Health

This research is being conducted by Dr. Marcus Rodriguez and Julia Ho—Psychology professor and research assistant at Pitzer College, respectively—as part of an ongoing research study for the Global Mental Health Lab at Pitzer College. You are qualified to participate in this research because you are 18 years of age or older, but no older than 25 years.

You are invited to participate in this research study about people’s ways of coping with mental health symptoms, including depression, anxiety, and eating behaviours. The following information is provided in order to help you make an informed decision about whether or not to participate.

Participation in this study will require approximately 15 minutes of your time. The purpose of the study is to explore and better understand the relationship between ways of coping, mental health symptoms, and self-validation, to gain insight into approaching treatments for eating-disordered symptoms.

The items to which you will be asked to respond concern your own experiences with ways of coping, self-validation, depression, anxiety, and eating behaviours and attitudes. You will later be asked some basic demographic questions. To receive research participation credit for Introduction to Psychology at Pitzer College, please screenshot the final page thanking you for taking the survey and send the screenshot to juliho@students.pitzer.edu. This page will not include any identifying information or any of the participant’s responses.

For generously participating in this fascinating study, you will be entered into two $25USD raffles for gift cards if you so wish to—please screenshot the final page or debriefing page and email it to juliho@students.pitzer.edu if you'd like to be entered into the raffle. If you are enrolled in Introduction to Psychology at Pitzer College, you may also receive research  participation credit. You are not likely to experience any other direct benefits from participating, although the survey items may prompt valuable self-reflection regarding self-validation and eating behaviours and attitudes, for example. You may have the benefit of adding to clinical psychological research and overall scientific knowledge. Participation is voluntary, and you can stop at any point within the study without penalty. Data will be confidential, and we will not ask for your name, where you live, or collect your IP address; however, if you are participating and would like to receive credit and/or be entered into the raffle, your name will be collected. The data will be stored in a password-protected account. The results may be referenced in the final manuscript for the overarching study.

You may ask questions concerning the research before agreeing to participate or during the survey process. If you have any questions regarding this research, you may contact Dr. Marcus Rodriguez (marcusr@pitzer.edu, 818-856-1088), or Julia Ho (juliho@students.pitzer.edu). If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant that have not been answered by the investigator you may contact the Pitzer College Institutional Review Board at irb@pitzer.edu. 

If you wish to participate, please click here https://pitzer.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4SMJE65e2iqVgvI