On this page, you can use the search function to find online articles, brochures, links to websites, and videos or webinars. Some materials are targeted at professionals, but many are intended for the general public, and a wide range of topics are discussed.
Academic Journals or Articles / NEDIC Bulletin / NEDIC Pamphlet
The NEDIC Conference Journal collects papers which were presented in sessions, workshops, or keynotes at the NEDIC biennial conference. Edited by Lorayne Robertson and Joli-Scheidler-Benns Contents: Margo Maine: Nine Truths about Eating Disorders at Midlife and Beyond Niva Piran: Privilege and the Body: The Role of Critical Awareness to Enhancing Positive Embodiment Angela Grace: Booty Shorts and Sexting: A Social Justice Approach to Body Image and Self-Esteem Andrea LaMarre and Kaley Roosen: Navigating Differences Within Eating Disorders and “The Other”: What the Professional Brings and What They Leave Behind Ann McConkey and Lisa Naylor: A Weight Neutral Approach to Health and Wellness Lorayne Robertson and Joli-Scheidler-Benns: A Weight Neutral Approach to Health and Wellness Lorayne Robertson: Learning about Real: Critical Media Literacy and Body Equity
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing the inclusion of exercise in eating disorders treatment, guidelines, and risks of doing so.
Article / NEDIC Pamphlet
When you’re worried that your child has an eating disorder, figuring out how to get help for them can be very overwhelming. Primary care providers (family doctors, pediatricians, and nurse practitioners) play an important role in addressing eating disorder concerns, which can span diagnosing, referring to specialized eating disorder programs, and providing regular medical supervision. It’s recommended that you arrange for your child to be assessed by their primary care provider as one of the first steps in getting help. As it’s often difficult for people with an eating disorder to admit to or be open about their difficulties, consider speaking with your child’s primary care provider privately before they see your child. You may find this discussion guide useful to have on hand when you visit their primary care provider.
Article / NEDIC Pamphlet
When you’re worried that your have an eating disorder, figuring out how to get help can be very overwhelming. Primary care providers (family doctors and nurse practitioners) play an important role in addressing eating disorder concerns, which can span diagnosing, referring to specialized eating disorder programs, and providing regular medical supervision. It’s recommended that you arrange to be assessed by your primary care provider as one of the first steps in getting help. You may find this discussion guide useful to have on hand when you visit your primary care provider.
When you’re worried that your have an eating disorder, figuring out how to get help can be very overwhelming. Primary care providers (family doctors and nurse practitioners) play an important role in addressing eating disorder concerns, which can span diagnosing, referring to specialized eating disorder programs, and providing regular medical supervision. It’s recommended that you arrange to be assessed by your primary care provider as one of the first steps in getting help. If you are a French speaker, you may find this discussion guide useful to have on hand when you visit your primary care provider.
Article / NEDIC Pamphlet
This resource developed with input from parents and caregivers includes: information about eating disorder warning signs and symptoms; explanations of treatment types and levels of care; conversation guides; and tips for effectively supporting an affected child or youth.
AboutFace’s mission is to promote and enhance positive mental and emotional well-being of individuals with facial differences and their families through social and peer support, information, educational programs and awareness.
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is the world's largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. Members of the Academy play a key role in shaping the public's food choices, thereby improving its nutritional status, and in treating persons with illnesses or injuries. Members offer preventive and medical nutrition therapy services in a variety of settings.
NEDIC Bulletin
A Bulletin by Margaret Notar, MSW, RSW, describing the use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, an approach that uses acceptance and mindfulness processes, and commitment and behaviour change processes, to produce greater psychological flexibility.
Academic Journals or Articles
By Ruth S. Weissman PhD, Stephanie Bauer PhD, Jennifer J. Thomas PhD. The COVID‐19 pandemic has forced an abrupt change in the delivery of clinical services, including for individuals with an eating disorder. This Virtual Issue is a resource for the eating disorder community to showcase research published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders that provides information on effective strategies to help address the challenges arising from COVID‐19‐related disruptions.
Videos and Webinars
This webinar by Debbie Anderson, Art Therapist is an opportunity for anyone interested in the benefits of journaling as a support for ED healing to see in more detail why the art journaling option can be a powerful 'other voice in the room' for group discussion, and for internal change for the art-maker.
NEDIC Bulletin
This article by Madalyn Marcus, PhD, CPsych will explore what eating disorders are, how they may present in the workplace, and how workplaces may trigger eating-related concerns, and will offer tips for supporting those suffering from these concerns. Ultimately, the hope is that this article will help people create a safe space at work for preventing and addressing eating-related concerns.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing autonomy and beneficence in an eating disorder context. In general terms, the principle of autonomy recognizes that an individual who is competent has the right to make an informed choice about medical treatment. This choice must be made without coercion or undue influences from others. The principle of beneficence requires that health care providers do that which is considered “good”, or in the best interests of the person for whom they are providing care.
Academic Journals or Articles
Seven small studies were identified; four placebo-controlled trials did not find evidence of efficacy of antidepressants in improving weight gain, eating disorder or associated symptoms, as well as differences in completion rates. Further studies testing safer antidepressants in larger and well designed trials are needed to guide clinical practice.This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
Academic Journals or Articles
The use of a single antidepressant agent was clinically effective for the treatment of bulimia nervosa when compared to placebo, with an overall greater remission rate but a higher rate of dropouts. No differential effect regarding efficacy and tolerability among the various classes of antidepressants could be demonstrated. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
Academic Journals or Articles
Psychotherapeutic approaches, mainly cognitive behavior therapy, and antidepressant medication are the two treatment modalities that have received most support in controlled outcome studies of bulimia nervosa. Psychotherapy appeared to be more acceptable to subjects. When antidepressants were combined with psychological treatments, acceptability of the latter was significantly reduced. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing eating disorders from an addictions perspective.
Les jeunes qui ont une piètre estime de leur image corporelle tendent à devenir des personnes qui hésitent à exprimer leurs opinions et qui peuvent en venir à éviter certaines opportunités académiques, sociales et économiques. Développer sa résilience dès la petite enfance est la clé pour acquérir une meilleure image corporelle et estime de soi. Révisé en 2016! Comprenant maintenant cinq leçons par niveau, allant de la 4e année du primaire jusqu’à la 2e année du secondaire, le programme Au-delà de l’image a été actualisé afin de bien outiller les enseignants et enseignantes pour aider les élèves à mieux comprendre les messages véhiculés dans les médias et les médias sociaux. Au-delà de l’image, invite les jeunes à pénétrer le monde des médias armés d’un esprit critique! Les élèves apprennent la mécanique et la symbolique utilisées dans la construction des messages médiatiques, pour ensuite apprendre à créer leurs propres messages sur la beauté au-delà des apparences. Au-delà de l’image explore les concepts actuels de beauté masculine et féminine et ce que cela signifie d’y correspondre, aidant ainsi les élèves à comprendre et à développer leur capacité de résilience vis-à-vis de ces messages stéréotypés.
Academic Journals or Articles
Many patients, however, do not respond as well as hoped to these treatments. Using cognitive and behavioural therapies in combination with certain medicines, for example d-cycloserine (DCS), is one option that may improve treatment response. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing what bariatric surgery is and its relationship with eating disorders.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC bulletin discussing critical media literacy and the importance of research.
Academic Journals or Articles
Whilst antidepressants remain the mainstay of treatment for depression in healthcare settings, psychological therapies are still important alternative or additional interventions for depressive disorders. Nowadays, a diverse range of psychological therapies are available (such as cognitive-behavioural therapies, behavioural therapies, psychodynamic therapies, humanistic therapies and integrative therapies). This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
NEDIC Bulletin
Given stressors like stigma, discrimination, internalized homophobia/transphobia, and concealment of sexual/gender identity, eating disorder preventive strategies must be grounded in an intersectional framework, attending to gender identity, body-based bullying and weight stigma, and self-esteem. In this Bulletin, Emily Donahue, Emily Huynh, and Janani Suthan discuss the collaborative effort between NEDIC and Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity to develop Building Body Binaries, a workshop for students in grades 7 to 10 that builds their knowledge around the social factors that influence health and body image, employs an intersectional analysis of beauty standards and a hierarchy of bodies, and strengthens their media literacy skills when it comes to fatphobia and other forms of discrimination.
Beyond Images is a free curriculum for grades 4 through 8, filling a gap in media literacy curricula nationally and including activities that make a positive difference in combating appearance-based bullying and negative stereotypes. The curriculum provides the opportunity to explore key issues in today's society around body image and self-esteem as well as media messaging, while developing critical thinking skills. Revised for 2022, Beyond Images is also available in French.
Videos and Webinars
Poor body image and self-esteem in youth can significantly impact their ability to interact with their world and pursue academic, social and economic opportunities. Building resilience and developing critical media literacy skills are two key components of teachers' toolkits for supporting today's youth. Beyond Images is a grade 4-8 curriculum that invites youth to engage in the world of media on their terms! Join two of the educators who created the Junior-Intermediate curricula as they share with you some of the ideas, strategies and resources that educators need in their classrooms today!
Videos and Webinars
Studies show that how we feel about our bodies affects how we do socially, academically and physically. Understanding how body image is impacted in the school environment is fundamental to building resilience and positive self-esteem. Join Helen Vlachoyannacos OCT in exploring school-based experiences of body image and how to build resilience and self-esteem in the whole school community. Helen will address how to build community around body image issues among educators, parents, families and community members.
Videos and Webinars
This session will provide an introduction to the subject of body image, and share tips for educators who wish to weave it into the classroom. Heather Thompson and Helen Vlachoyannacos wrote the Beyond Images curriculum for NEDIC, and will share their advice and perspectives on teaching body image to youth. They will also introduce the newly-revised Beyond Images curriculum, which is complete tool for educators and meets curriculum expectations for grades 4-8 across Canada.
NEDIC Pamphlet
A NEDIC pamphlet containing facts about binge eating and binge eating disorder, and tips for affected individuals for getting help.
Videos and Webinars
A video produced by Shire Pharma Canada discussing binge eating disorder, a complex, prevalent, and under-served mental health condition.
NEDIC Pamphlet
A NEDIC pamphlet in French containing facts about binge eating and binge eating disorder, and tips for affected individuals for getting help.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing body image and self-perception of women who have disabiliities.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing body dissatisfaction and eating disorders in transgender individuals.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin examining body equity, particularly in an educational context. Body-equitable curriculums and their implementation are discussed.
Academic Journals or Articles
Body Image is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality, scientific articles on body image and human physical appearance. This is an external resource, and NEDIC is linking to it for informational purposes only.
NEDIC Bulletin
In this issue, Anita Khakh, BEd, MEd, discusses issues within the school context that can negatively influence students' body image, and proposes ways of creating positive institutional change.
Developed by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, with contributions from NEDIC, BodySense is an interactive e-learning course for adolescent athletes. It is designed to: educate and enhance their awareness and knowledge on how to navigate body image; bring balance to both their physical and mental health; and work towards greater respect and compassion for their body within and outside of sport. BodySense includes self-reflection and self-assessment activities as well as tools, resources, and useful links for athletes to explore.
NEDIC Bulletin
It is increasingly understood that there are individuals of diverse body size, gender identity, race, ability, sexuality, and socioeconomic status who struggle with an ED. This Bulletin explores the strengths and the gaps of the existing ED literature as it relates those living in poverty and food insecurity.
Reviews and Reports
A summary of the findings of an Ipsos Reid opinion poll from November 2014.
CCSA works with its partners to address issues related to substance use and addiction that affect the health and safety of Canadians.
CMHA facilitates access to the resources people require to maintain and improve mental health and community integration, build resilience, and support recovery from mental illness.CMHA branches across Canada provide a wide range of innovative services and supports to people who are experiencing mental illness and their families.
To advance and promote psychology for the benefit of all, one of the CPA’s four objectives is to improve the health and welfare of all Canadians. Psychology is an important part of the social fabric of Canada. Canada is a big and diverse country.
An overview of Canadian research on eating disorders, prepared by the Ontario Community Outreach Program for Eating Disorders (2011) www.ocoped.ca and updated by the National Initiative for Eating Disorders (2017) www.nied.ca
Videos and Webinars
Co-hosted by NEDIC and CWHN, this informative webinar recorded on February 4, 2010 covers the impact of media imagery on girls and women. The particpants' discussion was moderated by Shari Graydon, award-winning author, media educator and critic.
Videos and Webinars
When most people think about women struggling with eating disorders, women with physical disabilities are rarely considered, despite the fact that studies and clinical observations have suggested that women with physical disabilities are actually at increased risk for developing an eating disorder. This webinar will discuss the role of physical disability in the development, maintenance, and treatment of disordered eating in women. Join Dr. Jennifer Mills and Kaley Roosen as they identify the severity of disordered eating within the population of women with physical disabilities, and discuss possible differences in how eating disorders manifest in this population.
Videos and Webinars
For almost 20 years, Debbie Berlin-Romalis has facilitated support groups at Sheena’s Place, a non-residential, non-institutional centre for individuals, families, and friends affected by eating disorders. Through her clinical work and observations, Debbie has developed “trademarked concepts” that illustrate and highlight specific phenomena related to the social determinants of health and the onset and development of eating disorders.
Academic Journals or Articles
CBT is significantly more effective than no therapy in reducing symptoms of anxiety in children and young people. No clear evidence indicates that one way of providing CBT is more effective than another (e.g. in a group, individually, with parents). This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
NEDIC Bulletin
People with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) are at an increased risk of struggling with binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, night eating syndrome, and subclinical disordered eating. However, there is limited information available about how to offer individualized care for people with PCOS and eating disorders. Traditional PCOS treatment recommendations tend to focus on weight management, which can be particularly damaging to individuals with an active eating disorder or eating disorder history. In this Bulletin, Kimmie Singh, MS, RD, CDN explains the complexity of balancing PCOS management and eating disorder recovery and offers recommendations for clinicians caring for people living with PCOS and eating disorders.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing coping strategies for the families, partners, and caregivers of individuals living with an eating disorder.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing coping strategies for individuals living with eating disorders and food/weight preoccupation, especially surrounding the holiday season.
NEDIC Bulletin
This article by Yurico Shu Ping Li aims to provide insights into the cultural and familial influences that play a role in the development of eating disorders and eating disturbances among East Asian and Southeast Asian populations in Asia and North America. It will also discuss considerations for psychotherapy for East and Southeast Asians living with eating disorders.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin exploring the strengths and gaps of the existing body image literature as it relates to cultural sensitivity and body image programs for young Aboriginal women. Considerations for future directions in this area for research and clinical settings are also provided.
Academic Journals or Articles
Dance movement therapy (DMT) uses bodily movements to explore and express emotions with groups or individuals. This is the first review of the effectiveness of DMT for depression and will add to the evidence base regarding depression treatments. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing dental issues that may arise as a result of eating disorders.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing strategies for developing public awareness campaigns.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing strategies for developing and implementing support programming in rural and under-served areas.
Videos and Webinars
What is Type 1 Diabetes? What is diabulimia? Lori-Short-Zamudio, a registered dietitian, explains and offers some ideas to reduce the risk and for treatment interventions.
NEDIC Bulletin
In this NEDIC Bulletin article that has been translated into Chinese (Simplified), Anita Federici, PhD, CPsych, FAED explains how DBT blends cognitive behavioural approaches with meditative practices and acceptance-based strategies, why it is a treatment modality that can be helpful for people with eating disorders, and which type of DBT to apply based on the nature of an individual's eating disorder.
NEDIC Bulletin
In this NEDIC Bulletin article that has been translated into French, Anita Federici, PhD, CPsych, FAED explains how DBT blends cognitive behavioural approaches with meditative practices and acceptance-based strategies, why it is a treatment modality that can be helpful for people with eating disorders, and which type of DBT to apply based on the nature of an individual's eating disorder.
NEDIC Bulletin
In this NEDIC Bulletin article that has been translated into Persian, Anita Federici, PhD, CPsych, FAED explains how DBT blends cognitive behavioural approaches with meditative practices and acceptance-based strategies, why it is a treatment modality that can be helpful for people with eating disorders, and which type of DBT to apply based on the nature of an individual's eating disorder.
NEDIC Bulletin
In this NEDIC Bulletin article that has been translated into Punjabi, Anita Federici, PhD, CPsych, FAED explains how DBT blends cognitive behavioural approaches with meditative practices and acceptance-based strategies, why it is a treatment modality that can be helpful for people with eating disorders, and which type of DBT to apply based on the nature of an individual's eating disorder.
NEDIC Bulletin
In this NEDIC Bulletin article that has been translated into Spanish, Anita Federici, PhD, CPsych, FAED explains how DBT blends cognitive behavioural approaches with meditative practices and acceptance-based strategies, why it is a treatment modality that can be helpful for people with eating disorders, and which type of DBT to apply based on the nature of an individual's eating disorder.
NEDIC Bulletin
In this NEDIC Bulletin article, Anita Federici, PhD, CPsych, FAED explains how DBT blends cognitive behavioural approaches with meditative practices and acceptance-based strategies, why it is a treatment modality that can be helpful for people with eating disorders, and which type of DBT to apply based on the nature of an individual's eating disorder.
NEDIC Pamphlet
A NEDIC pamphlet discussing myths and truths about dieting and weight loss.
Dietitians of Canada (DC) is the professional association representing over 5,000 members at the local, provincial and national levels with regional offices in British Columbia, Alberta and the Territories, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada.
Reviews and Reports
A press release promoting No Diet Day 2015. Instead of dieting, NEDIC promotes body acceptance, and encourages individuals of all ages to balance eating for health and eating for pleasure, while exercising for enjoyment.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing the intersections of body image and self-esteem in women.
Reviews and Reports
Do you know the warning signs? This article provides a starting point for reviewing your own attitude towards food and weight.
Videos and Webinars
Alyssa Durbin and Dr. Jennifer Mills discuss the results of their recent study investigating how presenter self-disclosure influences message and presenter ratings in a school-based universal prevention program.
Videos and Webinars
Educators and caregivers often try to protect children from falling victim to the “obesity epidemic”. Although they may have the best intentions, their attitudes toward food and weight may actually increase the risk of eating disorders and poor body image of the children in their care. In this webinar, Susan Osher MSc, RD will discuss the latest research and share her clinical experience on creating a positive and nurturing food environment. She’ll focus on strategies that empower and educate children so that they are able to nourish themselves with self-love.
Confident Me is a set of evidence-based resources for teachers and schools aimed at 11-14 year olds. Aligned to promote adolescent body confidence, the free downloadable tools are designed to allow teachers and schools to run body-confidence workshops. The workshops allow teachers and pupils to explore the impact that image ideals portrayed through the media have on young people's self-esteem.
Videos and Webinars
Since 2004, the Dove Self-Esteem Project has been building self-esteem in young people. So far, they've reached over 60 million young people in 142 countries through their educational programmes. But they’re not done yet. By 2030, they’ll have helped ¼ billion young people build positive body image and feel more confident in their own skin. Discover expert tools & resources at Dove.com/SelfEsteem
Videos and Webinars
The Dove Self-Esteem Project is teaming up with body positive activist, Megan Crabbe (@Bodyposipanda) to support kids’ self-esteem at home across a series of classes. In our first class, we offer simple ways to feel happier at home through a ‘Five a Day’ wellbeing challenge. Megan covers topics such as staying active at home, helping others, taking notice, connecting with friends and family, and learning something new. The Dove Self-Esteem Project is the world’s largest provider of self-esteem education – by 2030, we’ll have helped ¼ billion young people. Find out more at Dove.com/SelfEsteem.
NEDIC Pamphlet
Because being active is understood as an important aspect of “healthy” living, it can be difficult to tell if an individual is exercising too much, or engaging in dysfunctional movement. This NEDIC pamphlet provides an overview of dysfunctional movement; it describes what it is, how it relates to eating disorders, and how to help someone who is affected.
NEDIC Bulletin
What is eating disorder recovery coaching? How is it helpful for individuals with eating disorders? Written by Sarah Rzemeniak, certified recovery coach, with Carolyn Costin, founder of the Carolyn Costin Institute™ Coach Training Program, this Bulletin article explains how recovery coaches support affected individuals in overcoming the day-to-day challenges of recovery. This article also sheds light on how one can become a recovery coach and suggests what to consider in choosing a recovery coach.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDICBulletin considering the Standing Committee on the Status of Women's report entitled "Eating Disorders Among Girls and Women in Canada" one year following the report's issue.
Videos and Webinars
In this webinar Alma Naddafi, RN (EC), MA Ed, ACNP, discusses the impact that eating disorders can have on fertility and infertility, and how clinicians and eating disorder patients can be mindful of these impacts while working toward full healthy recovery. Clinicians, patients, and family members alike will benefit from this introduction to the intersections between menstrual cycling, fertility, and eating disorders.
NEDIC Bulletin
Social media platforms provide a unique opportunity for the public to be both consumers and creators, interacting with what is posted and posting content themselves with 24/7 access. With the popularity and accessibility of these platforms, experts in various domains, including eating disorders, have discussed the potential harms that social media use may pose. This Bulletin authored by Casidhe Gardiner, RD, explores what is known so far, what still needs to be studied, and potential prevention strategies.
Videos and Webinars
Eating disorders are not a choice. They are not about vanity, weight or even food. Eating disorders are a serious mental health condition and may have serious health consequences.
Reviews and Reports
This year we are promoting the message that One Size DOESN'T Fit All, to shine a light on the fact that Eating Disorders can and do affect individuals of all genders, ages, races and ethnic identities, sexual orientations and socio-economic backgrounds. The CMHA, together with NIED and NEDIC, has produced a toolkit and accompanying resources in French and in English.
Videos and Webinars
The NEDIC team discusses myths, facts and false stereotypes surrounding eating disorders.
A NEDIC fact sheet with statistics about who is affected by eating disorders, how many people in Canada are affected by eating disorders, and that you cannot tell who has an eating disorder by looking at them.
NEDIC Pamphlet
A NEDIC pamphlet providing information about the prevalence and identification of eating disorders in boys and men, and tips for supporting affected individuals.
NEDIC Bulletin / Reviews and Reports
A resource prepared by NIED for Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2017, containing an overview of Canadian-centric facts and statistics about eating disorders.
Reviews and Reports
An infographic depiction of the summary of the findings of an Ipsos Reid opinion poll from November 2014.
Academic Journals or Articles
Critical Points for the Recognition and Medical Management of Individuals with Eating Disorders in the Acute Care Setting AED REPORT 2020 : 2ND EDITION Eating Disorders in the Emergency Department
Videos and Webinars
This video by Kelty Mental Health guides parents and families through strategies for providing structure and support to youth with eating disorders before, during and after meals.
Formerly known as the Ontario Community Outreach Program for Eating Disorders (OCOPED), Eating Disorders Ontario provides training in treatment and prevention to practitioners working in publicly-funded, no-fee-for-service settings including public health, schools, primary care, community mental health and addictions, hospital, and specialized eating disorders programs.
Academic Journals or Articles
Eating Disorders Review provides news and original articles on diagnosis and treatment of all eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, other specified feeding or eating disorders, and obesity. This is an external resource, and NEDIC is linking to it for informational purposes only.
Academic Journals or Articles
Eating Disorders offers a multidisciplinary perspective on clinical issues and prevention research that considers the essential cultural, social, familial, and personal elements that not only foster eating-related problems, but also furnish clues that facilitate the most effective possible therapies and treatment approaches.This is an external resource, and NEDIC is linking to it for informational purposes only.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing the "burden of disease" cost of eating disorders in Australia.
Videos and Webinars
Eating disorders can affect anyone, contrary to stereotypes. Eating disorders can affect individuals of any gender, ethnicity, age, race, ability, or economic status.
NEDIC Pamphlet
NEDIC's pamphlet for educators who may work with youth living with eating disorders.
NEDIC Bulletin
The complex and enduring nature of eating disorders and the associated experiences of shame and guilt are often seen as hurdles to treatment success. While psychological interventions are the first-line approach to treating eating disorders, their effectiveness is considered modest. In this issue of the NEDIC Bulletin, Rachel Hoi Laam Leung explores the potential power of using creative arts as an adjunct or alternative to traditional therapies for individuals impacted by eating disorders.
NEDIC Bulletin
In this NEDIC Bulletin, Adele Lafrance, PhD and Joanne Dolhanty, PhD, discuss the potential of Emotion-Focused Family Therapy, which is rooted in a deep and unwavering belief in the healing power of families, to benefit people with eating disorders and their parents/carers.
This resource, developed by and for healthcare providers in Manitoba, provides suggestions for implementing weight-inclusive language when talking about weight, disease management, and behavior changes with their adult patients.
Academic Journals or Articles
The Professional Journal of beat, the leading UK charity for people with Eating Disorders and their families, European Eating Disorders Review is an international journal, publishing articles which review or report original research that has implications for the treatment and care of people with eating disorders, and articles which report innovations and experience in the clinical management of eating disorders. This is an external resource, and NEDIC is linking to it for informational purposes only.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing the role of physical activity in health as well as the connections between activity, appearance, and self-esteem
NEDIC Bulletin
In this issue, Carolyn Minnick, MSc, explores the intersection of food insecurity and eating disorders. She shares findings from research that she carried out with the objective of elucidating the relationship between food insecurity, eating disorder risk, and disordered eating symptoms, and discusses their implications.
F.E.A.S.T. is an International non-profit organization of and for caregivers of loved ones suffering from eating disorders. F.E.A.S.T.’s Mission is to support caregivers by providing information and mutual support, promoting evidence-based treatment, and advocating for research and education to reduce the suffering associated with eating disorders.
NEDIC Bulletin
Research has shown that some children experience loss-of-control (LOC) eating patterns that resemble but do not meet full criteria for binge eating disorder (BED). It is important to delineate the differences between pediatric BED (P-BE) and BED, because in youth, the size of the binge episode matters less than LOC and other behavioural and psychological symptoms. LOC eating in childhood predicts the development of P-BE, disordered eating attitudes, and depressive symptoms. Early identification and treatment of P-BE can prevent or mitigate negative outcomes and correlates. In this issue of the NEDIC Bulletin, Dr. Gina Dimitropoulos and Dr. Katharine L. Loeb discuss binge eating behaviour in young people, and highlight how parents/caregivers can foster a neutral to positive relationship with food and body for their children, thereby reducing triggers for binge eating.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin examining the Maudsley family-based outpatient treatment for anorexia in adolescents.
Academic Journals or Articles
One form of intervention commonly utilised to treat patients with AN is family therapy. Overall there was some evidence to suggest family therapy may be effective compared to treatment as usual. However, there is not enough evidence to determine whether family therapy is effective compared to other psychological interventions for rates of remission. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin exploring the experience of fat women in therapy from a variety of perspectives. Cultural and psychotherapeutic prejudices against fat women are explored
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing "fat talk", or negative body-related conversations. The Bulletin discusses motivations and consequences of this type of talk as well as strategies to stop it.
Videos and Webinars
There has been a growing recognition of the diversity of those who struggle with eating disorders across age, gender, sexuality, ability, race, class, body size and other lines of identity. Yet there remains a lack of research and understanding surrounding food insecurity and the impact this has on diverse, marginalized populations with eating disorders. Presenter Christina Hyland is a second-year doctoral student at the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto. Christina’s scholarship focuses on the mental health implications of food insecurity and eating disorders as experienced by marginalized youth populations.
NEDIC Pamphlet
When seeking support for an eating disorder, you deserve to receive care that is appropriate, safe, and professional. If you have a concern about a healthcare provider with whom you have worked or are currently working, it is your right to make a complaint. This guide created by NEDIC outlines the processes for filing a complaint about a healthcare provider in Alberta.
NEDIC Pamphlet
When seeking support for an eating disorder, you deserve to receive care that is appropriate, safe, and professional. If you have a concern about a healthcare provider with whom you have worked or are currently working, it is your right to make a complaint. This guide created by NEDIC outlines the processes for filing a complaint about a healthcare provider in British Columbia.
NEDIC Pamphlet
When seeking support for an eating disorder, you deserve to receive care that is appropriate, safe, and professional. If you have a concern about a healthcare provider with whom you have worked or are currently working, it is your right to make a complaint. This guide created by NEDIC outlines the processes for filing a complaint about a healthcare provider in Manitoba.
NEDIC Pamphlet
When seeking support for an eating disorder, you deserve to receive care that is appropriate, safe, and professional. If you have a concern about a healthcare provider with whom you have worked or are currently working, it is your right to make a complaint. This guide created by NEDIC outlines the processes for filing a complaint about a healthcare provider in New Brunswick.
NEDIC Pamphlet
When seeking support for an eating disorder, you deserve to receive care that is appropriate, safe, and professional. If you have a concern about a healthcare provider with whom you have worked or are currently working, it is your right to make a complaint. This guide created by NEDIC outlines the processes for filing a complaint about a healthcare provider in Newfoundland and Labrador
NEDIC Pamphlet
When seeking support for an eating disorder, you deserve to receive care that is appropriate, safe, and professional. If you have a concern about a healthcare provider with whom you have worked or are currently working, it is your right to make a complaint. This guide created by NEDIC outlines the processes for filing a complaint about a healthcare provider in Nova Scotia.
NEDIC Pamphlet
When seeking support for an eating disorder, you deserve to receive care that is appropriate, safe, and professional. If you have a concern about a healthcare provider with whom you have worked or are currently working, it is your right to make a complaint. This guide created by NEDIC outlines the processes for filing a complaint about a healthcare provider in Nunavut.
NEDIC Pamphlet
When seeking support for an eating disorder, you deserve to receive care that is appropriate, safe, and professional. If you have a concern about a healthcare provider with whom you have worked or are currently working, it is your right to make a complaint. This guide created by NEDIC outlines the processes for filing a complaint about a healthcare provider in Prince Edward Island.
NEDIC Pamphlet
When seeking support for an eating disorder, you deserve to receive care that is appropriate, safe, and professional. If you have a concern about a healthcare provider with whom you have worked or are currently working, it is your right to make a complaint. This guide created by NEDIC outlines the processes for filing a complaint about a healthcare provider in Québec.
NEDIC Pamphlet
When seeking support for an eating disorder, you deserve to receive care that is appropriate, safe, and professional. If you have a concern about a healthcare provider with whom you have worked or are currently working, it is your right to make a complaint. This guide created by NEDIC outlines the processes for filing a complaint about a healthcare provider in Saskatchewan.
NEDIC Pamphlet
When seeking support for an eating disorder, you deserve to receive care that is appropriate, safe, and professional. If you have a concern about a healthcare provider with whom you have worked or are currently working, it is your right to make a complaint. This guide created by NEDIC outlines the processes for filing a complaint about a healthcare provider in the Northwest Territories.
NEDIC Pamphlet
When seeking support for an eating disorder, you deserve to receive care that is appropriate, safe, and professional. If you have a concern about a healthcare provider with whom you have worked or are currently working, it is your right to make a complaint. This guide created by NEDIC outlines the processes for filing a complaint about a healthcare provider in Yukon.
NEDIC Pamphlet
When seeking support for an eating disorder, you deserve to receive care that is appropriate, safe, and professional. If you have a concern about a healthcare provider with whom you have worked or are currently working, it is your right to file a report or complaint. This guide created by NEDIC outlines the processes for filing a report or complaint about a healthcare provider in Ontario.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing eating disorders and body image for women in midlife.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin exploring getting help, including how to select a therapist and what to expect from therapy as well as common obstacles.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin exploring the recovery process, focusing on the period after the initial tasks of recovery have begun and potential issues or roadblocks that may arise.
Reviews and Reports
The causes of eating disorders are not fully understood although research suggests that they are influenced by a multitude of factors, including genetics, psychological, social and cultural factors. In this media release, NEDIC offers tips to encourage positive self-esteem and to make sure your child is healthy on the inside and on the outside.
NEDIC Pamphlet
NEDIC's informational pamphlet for family members of individuals living with eating disorders.
NEDIC Pamphlet
NEDIC's informational pamphlet for family members of individuals living with eating disorders, translated into Arabic.
NEDIC Pamphlet
NEDIC's informational pamphlet for family members of individuals living with eating disorders, translated into Chinese.
NEDIC Pamphlet
NEDIC's informational pamphlet for family members of individuals living with eating disorders, translated into French.
NEDIC Pamphlet
NEDIC's informational pamphlet for family members of individuals living with eating disorders, translated into Inuktitut.
NEDIC Pamphlet
NEDIC's informational pamphlet for family members of individuals living with eating disorders, translated into Punjabi.
NEDIC Pamphlet
NEDIC's informational pamphlet for family members of individuals living with eating disorders, translated into Spanish.
NEDIC Pamphlet
NEDIC's informational pamphlet for family members of individuals living with eating disorders, translated into Tagalog.
NEDIC Pamphlet
NEDIC's informational pamphlet for friends of individuals living with eating disorders.
NEDIC Pamphlet
NEDIC's informational pamphlet for friends of individuals living with eating disorders, translated into French.
NEDIC Bulletin
Research has found that 23.7% of individuals with digestive conditions display disordered eating. Therefore, prior to making recommendations for nutrition therapy, it is important for health care providers working with individuals with digestive conditions to screen for a history of disordered eating. It is risky for individuals affected with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who have a history of disordered eating to attempt a restrictive therapeutic diet, such as the low-FODMAP diet. This Bulletin by Dr. Megan Riehl explains the role of psychological therapies in treating digestive conditions and highlights gut-directed hypnotherapy as an effective option for individuals with IBS.
Videos and Webinars
Health At Every Size (HAES)® is an alternative paradigm to the traditional weight focused approach. Join Kori Kostka RD as she discusses her experience using this non-weight biased paradigm to help individuals build a positive body image, enjoy food, and discover the pleasure of moving their body to attain a sustainable, life-affirming and health providing outcome.
HelpGuide is a guide to mental health and wellness. Their goal is to empower you with the knowledge and support you need to take charge of your life and start feeling better.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin offering coping strategies for individuals who are living with eating disorders and their partners, families, and loved ones.
NEDIC Bulletin
The significant social, emotional, and physical health consequences of pica for individuals have been long-recognized, however, the impact on caregivers is underemphasized in research and treatment approaches. This article by Rachel L. Moline, PhD, RPsych sheds light on the underrecognized needs of caregivers of youth with pica and outlines practical ways in which they can supportively intervene when a youth is experiencing pica symptoms.
Videos and Webinars
The NEDIC team discusses ways to support someone with an eating disorder.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing the value of self-compassion and the burdens of self-consciousness and associated emotions.
NEDIC Pamphlet
This resource highlights how, as a parent or caregiver of a young person, you can help transform moments of negative body image that they experience into moments of feeling comfortable in their skin, and foster their connectedness with and appreciation for their body.
NEDIC Pamphlet
This French-language resource highlights how, as a parent or caregiver of a young person, you can help transform moments of negative body image that they experience into moments of feeling comfortable in their skin, and foster their connectedness with and appreciation for their body.
Article / NEDIC Pamphlet
Primary care providers play an essential role in the assessment and care of individuals with eating disorders. Developed in collaboration with Body Brave, this resource for primary care providers is a concise guide to supporting patients who present with eating disorder concerns.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin considering the value of eating disorders prevention work and body image improvement work, and whether the two are linked.
Videos and Webinars
In this webinar, Eva Pila MSc reviews the latest research on social physique anxiety in exercise, sport, and physical education and discuss its impact on eating disorders. The webinar includes evidence-based strategies to reduce body-related anxiety that can be applied by parents, teachers, fitness instructors and health professionals.
Academic Journals or Articles
There was a limited amount of very low-quality evidence to suggest that people might do better when receiving focal psychodynamic therapy compared to no treatment or treatment as usual. With one exception, we found little difference between specific psychological therapies. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
Academic Journals or Articles
This review was carried out to assess the effects of treatment setting (inpatient, partial hospitaliaation, or outpatient) on the reduction of symptoms and increase in remission rates in people with anorexia nervosa, atypical anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and other eating disorders. There was insufficient evidence to conclude whether any treatment setting was superior for treating people with moderately severe (or less) anorexia nervosa, or other eating disorders. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
NEDIC Bulletin
Eating disorders are a culmination of genetic, epigenetic, biological, psychological, sociocultural, and individual factors. Volumes have been written and said about the contribution of some of these factors, such as cultural messages about appearance ideals. In comparison, some factors have not been examined to a great extent. For example, what if an underlying physical dysfunction in a body – insulin resistance – significantly increases the risk of the onset of disordered eating behaviour? It’s similar to the age-old question, “which came first – the chicken or the egg?” Which came first the eating disorder or the insulin resistance? Regardless of the answer, these two diagnoses have the possibility of occurring hand in hand. This bulletin is written by Amy Enright, RD.
Academic Journals or Articles
International Journal of Eating Disorders (IJED) publishes rigorously evaluated, high-quality contributions to an international readership of health professionals, clinicians and scientists. This is an external resource, and NEDIC is linking to it for informational purposes only.
Academic Journals or Articles
Eating disorders represent an extremely difficult, time-consuming and costly condition to treat. Being young, female, and dieting are some of the few identified risk factors that have been reliably linked to the development of eating disorders. Several eating disorder prevention programs have been developed and trialled with children and adolescents. There is currently limited evidence in the published literature to suggest that any particular type of program is effective. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
Academic Journals or Articles
Classroom instruction increases short-term knowledge of suicide and suicide prevention. It may slightly enhance short-term confidence in ability to prevent suicide. However, long-term effects have not been studied. Effects of classroom instruction on suicidal behavior have also not been studied. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
In all provinces, to obtain provincial health insurance coverage for out-of-province and out-of-country eating disorder treatment, a similar process must be followed.
NEDIC Bulletin
There is a deep and troubling silence that cloaks boys’ bodies in schools. This absence of discussion has left the ways in which boys’ bodies are perceived, embodied, and lived in schools largely misunderstood. In this issue of the Bulletin, Chris Borduas, MPE and Michael Kehler, PhD examine adolescent boys' body image in Canadian health and physical education.
Maintained by the British Columbia-based Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre, this website houses a wealth of information and resources pertaining to the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. Website content includes facts about eating disorders, information about treatment, and links to guides and tools for individuals living with eating disorders, carers, educators, and health care providers.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing the impact of eating disorders on the family, including siblings. As the family organizes around the affected individual, the entire family can be impacted. This family discusses the role of and impact on siblings.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing the experience of males affected by eating disorders, including barriers to care, myths, and symptoms.
Videos and Webinars
Is it possible to manage your blood sugar levels without the fear of food, and the preoccupation with carbohydrates, sugar, calories, portions, etc.?! In our fast-paced environment, managing your blood sugar may feel like another full-time task on top of your already busy life! Using a mindful approach, however, can help to lower the burden and stress of diabetes and find a way to look at living with diabetes in a practical way that works for you. In this webinar, Kori Kostka, RD explains how with mindful approach to eating and moving your body, you can great while living with diabetes.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing triggers in the context of eating disorder recovery, and offering strategies to predict and manage possible triggers.
Videos and Webinars
Frank Colosimo and Robbie Ahmed from Egale Canada discuss the m.Bodiment project, and ways for healthcare providers to be inclusive of the specific body image/eating disorder needs of the GBTQ community.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing the impact of eating disorders on the affected individual's partner, putting the stages of change into context along with roadblocks and experiences the partner may encounter.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing the therapeutic interactions that accompany nutrition intake, including traditional approaches to meal support and principles developed by clinicians at Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences.
MediaSmarts is a Canadian not-for-profit charitable organization for digital and media literacy. MediaSmarts has been developing digital and media literacy programs and resources for Canadian homes, schools and communities since 1996. Through our work we support adults with information and tools so they can help children and teens develop the critical thinking skills they need for interacting with the media they love.
NEDIC Bulletin
A Bulletin discussing the experience of men with eating disorders, including body dissatisfaction, symptoms, sexuality, and treatment.
NEDIC Bulletin
Mirror exposure therapy is a form of exposure therapy designed to specifically target body image disturbances. It can be considered a first-line treatment for body image dissatisfaction and has also been studied as an adjunctive treatment for individuals with eating disorders. In this Bulletin article, Trevor C. Griffen, MD, PhD, describes mirror exposure therapy and provides recommendations for clinicians to consider.
The MDSC is engaged on an ongoing basis in a wide range of projects and initiatives designed to support the inclusion of persons with disabling mental illnesses in Canadian society and has taken a lead proactive role in public policy and program development in many capacities on the national stage.
Academic Journals or Articles
Anxiety disorders are some of the most prevalent mental disorders. Morita therapy, a systematic psychological therapy based on eastern philosophy, has been used to treat anxiety disorders for decades. he efficacy of Morita therapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders has been a much-contested issue, often dividing opinion. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing motivational considerations in the treatment of eating disorders, including motivational interviewing, ambivalence, and preparing for change.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin explains why individuals self-harm and how, using techniques from dialectical behaviour therapy, they may shift from self-harm to self-care.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin explaining the Health at Every Size model of care, as well as dissecting myths about what HAES is or isn't.
Reviews and Reports
A report on NEDIC's activities for the 2013-2014 fiscal year.
Reviews and Reports
A report on NEDIC's activities for the 2014-2015 fiscal year.
Reviews and Reports
A report for donors on NEDIC's activites for the beginning of 2017, including Beyond Images and instant chat.
Reviews and Reports
A report for donors on NEDIC's activities, including the Zest for Life fundraiser.
Reviews and Reports
A report for donors of NEDIC's activities for the first half of 2016, including EDAW and outreach activities
Reviews and Reports
A report for donors on NEDIC's activities, including Instant Chat and the new website.
Reviews and Reports
A report for donors of NEDIC's activities for Autumn 2016, including A Taste for Life and outreach updates.
Reviews and Reports
A report for donors of NEDIC's activities during Summer 2016, recognizing the support of Dr. Dan Andreae.
NEDIC Pamphlet
A report on NEDIC's activities for spring 2019.
Reviews and Reports
A report for donors on NEDIC's activities, including our 2017 conference and a spotlight on Aerie's support of NEDIC.
Reviews and Reports
A report for donors on NEDIC's activities, including World Eating Disorders Action Day and the French translation of Beyond Images.
NEDIC Pamphlet
A report on NEDIC's activities for summer 2019.
Reviews and Reports
A printable poster promoting NEDIC's helpline services. There are tear-away strips pre-printed with phone and web contacts.
Reviews and Reports
A printable poster promoting NEDIC's helpline services. There are tear-away strips pre-printed with phone and web contacts.
Reviews and Reports
A printable poster promoting NEDIC's helpline services. There are tear-away strips pre-printed with phone and web contacts.
Reviews and Reports
A printable poster promoting NEDIC's helpline services. There are tear-away strips pre-printed with phone and web contacts.
A one-page, myth-busting document from the Academy for Eating Disorders stating nine truths about eating disorders. Versions in many different languages are available at https://www.aedweb.org/publications/nine-truths
NEDIC Pamphlet
NEDIC's informational pamphlet containing facts about Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) and how to help someone who is affected.
NEDIC Pamphlet
NEDIC's informational pamphlet in French containing facts about Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) and how to help someone who is affected.
NEDIC Pamphlet
Developed in collaboration with Body Brave, this resource aims to provide dietitians a starting point for delivering effective nutrition care to individuals with eating disorders in community settings. The guidelines are grounded in treatment principles that have been shown to promote healing, including person-centred care, recovery-oriented practice, trauma-informed care, and harm reduction.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin exploring the role of stigma , either internalized or from health care providers, in the experience of bariatric patients.
NEDIC Bulletin
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the emergence of orthorexia as a public health concern, with particular attention on its link to social media usage.
NEDIC Pamphlet
Under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) and the Hospitals Act, eligible Alberta residents are provided coverage for insured physician and hospital services in Alberta and elsewhere in Canada. Alberta Health limits some coverage outside the province and covers only limited physician and hospital expenses outside Canada.
NEDIC Pamphlet
BC will fund the cost of physician and acute care hospital services in other Canadian provinces and territories (except Quebec) provided the service meets certain criteria.
NEDIC Pamphlet
You may be eligible for help with costs related to getting medical care in another province when an appropriate physician (specialist) recommends that you need a necessary, specific medical service (i.e., care or treatment) and that it is not available in Manitoba.
NEDIC Pamphlet
It is mandatory for physicians to request prior approval from New Brunswick Medicare before referring a patient out-of-province for addiction or psychiatric treatment, unless the treatment is provided in a general hospital. The approval must be sought through the province’s Addiction Services or Mental Health Services.
NEDIC Pamphlet
Information regarding out of province/country care for residents of Newfoundland and Labrador.
NEDIC Pamphlet
Nova Scotians who are referred outside the province to receive medical or clinical treatment are eligible for coverage under the province’s out-of-province services plan. This type of funding can apply to a breadth of treatments, including eating disorders. The province has a process in place to consider funding out-of-province treatments.
NEDIC Pamphlet
Prior approval from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care is required in order for patients to receive funding for OHIP-insured hospital and medical services out-of-country (OOC). Written approval must be received from the ministry before OOC health services are rendered. Physicians seeking out-of-country treatment on behalf of patients must complete and submit a Prior Approval Application to the ministry before funding will be considered.
NEDIC Pamphlet
Residents seeking government funding for non-emergency (that is, not for sudden illness) out-of-province medical or hospital services are required to obtain prior approval from Health PEI. The cost of such out-of-province services may be fully covered providing that your physician submits an application on your behalf to Health PEI.
NEDIC Pamphlet
The Health Insurance Plan covers a wide range of essential medical services. However, in exceptional cases, some services may not be available in Québec. In such cases, and as a last resort, it is possible to request the Régie's authorization to receive healthcare outside Québec.
NEDIC Pamphlet
Prior approval is required for services related to alcohol and drug, mental health, and problem gambling issues. Requests for out-of-province assessment and/or treatment are only accepted from Regional Health Authorities or the Physician Support Program of the Saskatchewan Medical Association. Once a request is submitted, it is reviewed by the Ministry of Health according to the out-of-province policy. If approved, the Ministry will pay the full cost of the assessment or treatment service. The cost of travel, accommodation, and meals are not eligible for coverage or reimbursement.
Academic Journals or Articles
There is currently no clear evidence for the effectiveness of antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilisers, or natural products in preventing repetition of SH. We recommend further trials of drugs for SH patients, possibly in combination with psychological treatment. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
NEDIC Bulletin
Eating disorders are traditionally treated with nutritional rehabilitation and behavioural management/psychotherapy within a multimodal context (psychiatrists, psychologists, dietitians, social workers, etc.). However, patients often wonder: can medication help? In general, eating disorders have not been found to be as responsive to medication as other mental health disorders. There is limited evidence for the efficacy of medication in the treatment of eating disorders; however, it may be useful for the management of comorbid conditions, e.g., depression and anxiety. Written by Georgios Paslakis, MD, this Bulletin highlights current evidence for pharmacological options for the treatment of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.
Academic Journals or Articles
It was not possible to tell whether medication was effective in treating people with anxiety and alcohol use disorders. Treatment with medication appeared to be acceptable to participants. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
NEDIC Bulletin
Eating disorders (EDs) in women often manifest at an age that may coincide with the desire to have children. The presence of an ED, especially an active case, may be associated with unfavourable health outcomes for both mother/birthing parent and child. ED-associated behaviours may also be considered relevant to the development of EDs in children of mothers/birthing parents with EDs. It therefore appears important for healthcare providers to be able to create the space in which women wishing to become mothers/parents will feel comfortable to openly bring up their thoughts and feelings and receive adequate support. In this article, Dr. George Paslakis discusses considerations for caring for women/birthing parents experiencing binge-eating disorder in the perinatal period.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin considering eating disorders prevention. This Bulletin considers both primary (eliminating factors causing eating disorders) and secondary (reducing the causes and perpetuating factors of eating disorders) prevention.
Academic Journals or Articles
There is very limited evidence upon which to base conclusions about the relative effectiveness of psychological interventions, antidepressant medication and a combination of these interventions. On the basis of the available evidence, the effectiveness of these interventions for treating depressive disorders in children and adolescents cannot be established. Further appropriately powered RCTs are required. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
The PTSD Association of Canada is a not for profit organization that exists to help those experiencing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), those at risk for PTSD and those who care for traumatized individuals, as well as their families, friends and fellow workers and medical community.
NEDIC Pamphlet
A NEDIC pamphlet providing information about risk factors, diagnoses, and signs and symptoms, along with tips for supporting someone affected with an eating disorder.
NEDIC Pamphlet
A NEDIC pamphlet in French providing information about risk factors, diagnoses, and signs and symptoms, along with tips for supporting someone affected with an eating disorder.
NEDIC Bulletin
The COVID-19 pandemic created insurmountable obstacles to organizing and holding a NEDIC conference in 2021. However, with this special issue of the NEDIC Bulletin, we can revisit Radical Unlearning, celebrate the sharing of knowledge and ideas that occurred, and extend the discussions that were sparked. NEDIC is grateful to the conference participants who contributed to this Bulletin. In their article, Kelsey Sick, Catherine M. Sabiston, and Eva Pila discuss the development of an evidence-based and stakeholder-informed program for sport contexts that aims to prevent body image concerns and disordered eating, and to address gender inequity in sport participation. Justine Van Herk, Sara Santarossa, Jory Fulcher, and Sarah J. Woodruff report on their evaluation of a community-based workshop and toolkit designed to educate mothers about how to effectively help their adolescent daughters navigate the online world. In her contribution, Annina Schmid provides an overview of solution-focused approaches to counselling and explains how to use solution-focused dialogue to help clients who are engaging in disordered eating as a means to lose weight envision and pursue a more positive relationship with food and their body.
NEDIC Bulletin
Radically Open Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (RO DBT) posits that Anorexia Nervosa can sometimes be a symptom of an overcontrolled personality trait that may have preceded the onset of an eating disorder. In this Bulletin, Amanda Buckingham, MSW, RSW explains how RO DBT can help, not by focusing primarily on the restrictive eating and other eating disorder behaviours, but on the maladaptive overcontrol traits that contribute to emotional loneliness and social disconnectedness.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin considering the importance of hope in the recovery process.
Academic Journals or Articles
Reiki is a non-drug treatment that is used on people with anxiety, depression or both. Reiki is a 2500 year old treatment, described as a vibrational or subtle energy therapy and is most commonly facilitated by light touch on or above the body. Very few people with anxiety or depression or both have been included in randomised studies. This means there is insufficient evidence to make any comment about the usefulness of Reiki for the treatment of anxiety and depression. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
Academic Journals or Articles
One study found that all patients improved during the study period, but the treatment effect did not differ between the group who received rTMS and the group who received sham rTMS. The other study administered more sessions and reported higher levels of improvement of panic symptoms in those people who received rTMS compared to those who received sham rTMS. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
Reviews and Reports
A press release dating to Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2015. The figures contained in the release are from an Ipsos Reid opinion poll conducted in 2014.
Videos and Webinars
A personal trainer who has recovered from an eating disorder, Jay Walker brings a unique perspective to his work in body-image and fitness. Jay hopes to help people understand how the fitness industry can impact men’s relationships with their bodies, challenging misconceptions about health and recovery along the way.
NEDIC Pamphlet
This screening tool can help you identify whether your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours relating to food, eating, and/or your body are consistent with symptoms of an eating disorder. It is not a diagnostic tool and not a substitute for a professional evaluation.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin explaining secretive eating and its relevance in working with individuals with binge-eating disorder.
NEDIC Pamphlet
Every person who struggles with an eating disorder deserves compassionate, non-judgmental, affirming care from the support options they choose to access. Some, however, might not have this experience. As there is plenty of work to be done to better educate and train care providers to be eating disorder-sensitive so they avoid causing harm, 2SLGBTQ+ communities in particular often have to self-advocate. This guide to self-advocacy was developed by 2SLGBTQ+ community members for 2SLGBTQ+ community members.
NEDIC Pamphlet
Every person who struggles with an eating disorder deserves compassionate, non-judgmental, affirming care from the support options they choose to access. Some, however, might not have this experience. As there is plenty of work to be done to better educate and train care providers to be eating disorder-sensitive so they avoid causing harm, 2SLGBTQ+ communities in particular often have to self-advocate. This guide to self-advocacy was developed by 2SLGBTQ+ community members for 2SLGBTQ+ community members, and translated into French.
Academic Journals or Articles
Pure self-help and guided self-help may have some utility as a first step in treatment and may have potential as an alternative to formal therapist-delivered psychological therapy. There is some evidence that PSH/GSH reduce eating disorder and other symptoms in comparison to waiting list or control treatment and may produce comparable outcomes to formal therapist-delivered psychological therapies. PSH/GSH may have some utility as a first step in treatment. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
NEDIC Bulletin
In this Bulletin, Danielle Keenan-Miller, PhD, provides an overview of evidence-based treatment options for binge eating disorder and highlights that many affected individuals benefit from self-help approaches. Dr. Keenan-Miller also includes five tips for breaking the binge eating cycle.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin exploring the self-monitoring of weight from an eating disorders perspective, considering potential benefits and risks.
NEDIC Pamphlet
This screening tool can help you identify whether your child's thoughts, feelings, and behaviours relating to food, eating, and/or their body are consistent with symptoms of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). It is not a diagnostic tool and not a substitute for a professional evaluation.
NEDIC Pamphlet
This screening tool can help you identify whether your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours relating to food, eating, and/or your body are consistent with symptoms of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). It is not a diagnostic tool and not a substitute for a professional evaluation.
Videos and Webinars
Body image is still a concern during the pandemic -- we see it in memes on social media. Helen Vlachoyannacos and Heather Thompson are experienced teachers who wrote the Beyond Images curriculum. Join them for a webinar aimed at parents to learn more about teaching body image and using activities from Beyond Images outside of the classroom. Beyond Images can be downloaded for free in English at beyondimages.ca and in French at audeladelimage.ca.
Videos and Webinars
Join our Outreach & Education team in a webinar about the ways eating disorder risk intersect with the COVID-19 pandemic, what eating disorder prevention looks like, and practical recommendations to address these challenges in the school environment. Webinar: https://youtu.be/EkueCoT6XIA
Videos and Webinars
Slides from the webinar which is available at: https://youtu.be/2Nse5OQ-xe4 / Winter holidays can be challenging, particularly for those coping with disordered eating. Join staff from the National Eating Disorder Information Centre, Eating Disorders Nova Scotia, and Sheena's Place in an exploration of ways to draw on social support, and coping strategies to manage difficulties such as grief, isolation, and diet culture that may be particularly heightened this year. Support and programs available across Canada will also be covered. Facilitated by Ary Maharaj (he/him), M.Ed, RP (Qualifying), Raquel Poley (she/her), MSW, RSW, Kaitlyn Axelrod (she/her), MSW, RSW, & Kelsey Johnston (she/her), MSW, RSW. Note: This was an educational webinar, not a therapeutic group.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin considering smartphone "apps" for eating disorder treatment and monitoring.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin exploring stigma regarding eating disorders, including what it means for individuals, how it is perpetuated, and misconceptions about eating disorders.
Stop Family Violence provides you with a one-stop source of information on family violence. If you are affected by family violence, know someone who is, or simply want to learn more about the issue, their website contains information and links to supports and services in your area.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin exploring the transition to post-secondary education, including leaving home, facing changes, and tips for the student.
NEDIC Bulletin
In this issue of the NEDIC Bulletin, Emily Donahue, BA, reviews research examining suicidality among people with eating disorders; outlines best practices in treating co-occurring suicidality and eating disorders; and provides coping strategies that can be helpful for people who struggle with both an suicidality and an eating disorder.
NEDIC Bulletin
Authored by Leslie Schilling, MA, RDN, CEDRD, this Bulletin explains how a responsive feeding style fosters self-regulation and and intuitive eating skills. In a culture in which a conversation about a cloudy day comes up as often as a new keto recipe, how do we protect the innate wisdom of our little ones? It is possible – professionals, parents, friends, and family members, can help support a child to develop a healthy relationship with food from their first bite. After all, we are all born to eat.
Reviews and Reports
A press release marking NEDIC's 2015 fundraiser, which was hosted by Cityline’s Tracy Moore, guests were entertained by Canadian singer/songwriter Candice Sand.
Videos and Webinars
This webinar provides an overview of the integration of Emotion-Focused Family Therapy and the New Maudsley Approach, offering a novel approach to eating disorder recovery and to the role of families in that recovery. Dr. Joanne Dolhanty, PhD, CPsych and Dr. Adele Lafrance Robinson, PhD, CPsych outline the ways in which the two models are similar, and the unique contributions that each has brought to the integration. Clinicians viewing this webinar will learn to utilize new ways of involving the families of those living with eating disorders as critical partners in care.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin discussing two treatment options, Emotion-Focused Family Therapy and the New Maudsley Model.
NEDIC Bulletin
Given the prevalence of binge eating both in community and clinical populations, a sound understanding of the underlying mechanisms that maintain binge eating behaviour is crucial for developing effective models and treatments. In this Bulletin, Amy Burton, PhD and Maree Abbott, PhD, present a new model for understanding binge eating that builds upon the existing literature, integrating the variables of core low self-esteem, difficulty with emotional regulation, negative affect, dietary restraint, and eating beliefs.
NEDIC Bulletin
In this issue of the NEDIC Bulletin, Megan Buchkowski, MA, Sarah Nutter, PhD, and Jessica Saunders, PhD report on their findings from a qualitative study that investigated how time spent in nature affected the recovery experiences of a group of women who had lived with an eating disorder. Their findings add to the growing body of evidence demonstrating the potential health and wellbeing benefits of spending time in nature.
NEDIC Bulletin
Consider recovery from anorexia nervosa (AN), and eating disorders in general, like traversing down a road – one that is unpaved, full of potholes, and for which there is no (Google) map. Common pitfalls encountered during recovery could then be considered normal “roadblocks” – the egosyntonic nature of the illness being among them. In order not to stumble, it is important that patient, carer, and therapist alike fully understand what aspects of their illness AN patients may value, as well as get familiar with methods to bypassing pitfalls linked with egosyntonicity.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin examining the experience of Black women with eating disorders and offering an overview of research and gaps in research
Academic Journals or Articles
Candice Richardson, Megan Patton, and Suzanne Phillips (NEDIC) co-authored with George Paslakis (Toronto General Hospital) an article published in General Hospital Psychiatry about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on help-seeking behaviors among individuals with eating disorders and caregivers. Service utilization data from the NEDIC were analyzed; the number of client contacts and symptom frequency reported by clients between the pandemic period (in 2020) and previous years were compared. There were higher rates of eating disorder symptoms, anxiety, and depression in 2020 compared to previous years. Thematic analysis of instant chats from the pandemic year revealed four emerging themes: 1) lack of access to treatment, 2) worsening of symptoms, 3) feeling out of control, and 4) need for support.
NEDIC Bulletin
How was your sleep last night? Did you fall asleep easily? Did you sleep through the night? Did you feel alert when your alarm went off? Take another moment to reflect on what you ate yesterday. Did you eat regularly? Were you satisfied? Did you nourish your body? How do you feel after a poor night’s sleep? What about after eating too little or too much? In this issue of the Bulletin, Abigail R. Cooper, MA, Eleanor McGlinchey, PhD, and Katharine L. Loeb, PhD, provide an overview of the research examining the relationship between sleep difficulties and eating disorders, as well as practical tips for improving sleep.
In collaboration with Cartoon Network’s Steven Universe, Dove – the largest provider of evidence-based body confidence education in the world – created a personalisable, interactive eBook for children to showcase individuality and diversity. Co-written by Steven Universe creator and New York Times best-selling children's author Rebecca Sugar, and psychologist, body image specialist, researcher and children's book author Sigrun Danielsdottir, in conjunction with the Centre for Appearance Research at the University of the West of England; the eBook is evidence-based to help build young people’s self-esteem as it celebrates the story of the human body and its capabilities using the Steven Universe characters. Through a series of interactive, editable tools the eBook endeavours to highlight the importance of the individual and instil an understanding that, much like the eBook’s characters, people are unique.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin exploring the New Maudsley Model. In this model, clinicians work collaboratively with the famiilies and carers of the affected individual, who may be an adult or adolescent.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin exploring the adolescent experience of eating disorders through the lens of the stages of change.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin written by a dietitian considering her experience working as a dietitian in eating disorder contexts.
Academic Journals or Articles
ICBT with therapist support was significantly more effective than no treatment (waiting list) at improving anxiety and reducing symptoms. There was no significant difference in the effectiveness of ICBT with therapist support and unguided CBT, though the quality of the evidence was low to very low. Patient satisfaction was generally reported to be higher with therapist-supported ICBT, however patient satisfaction was not formally assessed. ICBT with therapist support may not differ in effectiveness as compared to face-to-face CBT. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
Academic Journals or Articles
In this review, we focused on third wave CBT approaches, a group of psychological therapies that target the process of thoughts (rather than their content, as in CBT), helping people to become aware of their thoughts and to accept them in a non-judgemental way. The aim of the review was to find out whether third wave CBT was effective and acceptable to people in the acute phase of depression. This article is provided by Cochrane Canada.
Article / NEDIC Pamphlet
There are numerous types of help for overcoming an eating disorder including: outpatient individual or group therapy, professionally facilitated support groups, peer support, self-help groups, residential treatment, and inpatient treatment. You may find this NEDIC tip sheet useful in choosing professional help that suits your needs.
Videos and Webinars
The meaning of fat is in constant flux. Why do we understand fat as bad? Who is fat and what constitutes fatness? Is it a number on a scale or a BMI measurement? Is it a quantitative, treatable illness or a qualitative, lifelong accumulation of experiences? This presentation aims to consider the prevalence of taken for granted truths about fat bodies and health and specifically the ways that a fear of fat may have broad societal impacts on people of all sizes. By looking at fat as a relevant and controversial identity experience, we aim to explore the intersections and interstices between how we are seen and how we are treated; between who we are and who we are presumed to be. Presented by May Friedman (Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Ryerson University) and Sabrina Friedman (Social Worker).
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin exploring the transition from the youth to adult health care systems, including differences in treatment and potential stumbling blocks for the caregiver and the youth. Suggestions to manage the transition are offered for all parties.
Reviews and Reports
Voici la trousse d’outils pour la Semaine de sensibilisation aux troubles de l’alimentation (SSTA), qui vous est offerte par le Centre national d’information sur les troubles dus à la nutrition (CNITN), l’Initiative nationale pour les troubles de l’alimentation (INTA) et l’Association canadienne pour la santé mentale, bureau national.
Videos and Webinars
JDRF Canada and NEDIC are pleased to present this webinar for healthcare professionals on type 1 diabetes (T1D), disordered eating, and eating disorders. This virtual event will discuss the clinical and mental health aspects of disordered eating in people living with T1D.
NEDIC Bulletin
The current DSM-5 diagnoses of “Feeding and Eating Disorders” reflect a broad range of eating disturbances across the developmental spectrum with a lifespan approach. In particular, Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is a new diagnosis, more commonly seen in childhood, acknowledging significant eating disturbances not characterized by concerns about body weight or size.
NEDIC Bulletin
Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) captures individuals of all ages with limited food intake and/or range of foods; their eating behaviours, often accompanied by fear and revulsion of novel foods, result in impaired psychosocial function or development. Considering the range of ARFID presentations, it is unlikely that one standardized intervention or protocol will emerge. This article discusses “responsive” approaches in ARFID treatment and the supporting rationale.
CANPED is a website of support for those caring for a youth with an eating disorder. They provide educational videos on the following topics: What is an eating disorder?; Understanding the medical risks associated with eating disorders; Understanding what eating disorders are about; Treatment options for youth with eating disorders; Supporting your loved one - highs and lows; Meal support (before, during, and after meals); Practical tips and tricks for parents and caregivers of youth with an eating disorder.
Videos and Webinars
In this webinar, Dr. Danielle MacDonald, staff psychologist for Toronto General Hospital's Eating Disorders program, introduces viewers to key dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) skills that may be helpful in promoting a greater sense of body acceptance. Viewers will receive a brief orientation to the principles of DBT, and an introduction to specific skills that may be useful for clients with eating disorders.
NEDIC Bulletin
The diary is considered a deeply personal and private document in which one keeps a record of meaningful events and experiences. For centuries it has been widely relied upon as a safe place in which to sort and refine one’s thoughts. It may be seen as a friend, a tool with which to cultivate and strengthen connection between mind and body, and a means for continual striving to improve one’s overall sense of self. The diary can be and do all of these things. However, when a person develops an eating disorder, the diary can become an unwitting accomplice of the illness, aligning with and intensifying its traits, and exacerbating separation of mind from body.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin exploring the benefits of vegetarianism as well as potential problems for the individual experiencing an eating disorder.
Videos and Webinars
A number of eating disorder clinicians collaborated with NEDIC to offer a tool or some tips to help manage mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Much of the information offered is useful for managing stress more generally.
Videos and Webinars
While people with eating disorders are notoriously secretive, warning signs can include anything from unhealthy attitudes towards food to abusing laxatives.
Videos and Webinars
Les jeunes qui ont une piètre estime de leur image corporelle tendent à devenir des personnes qui hésitent à exprimer leurs opinions et qui peuvent en venir à éviter certaines opportunités académiques, sociales et économiques. Développer sa résilience dès la petite enfance est la clé pour acquérir une meilleure image corporelle et estime de soi. audeladelimage.ca
Videos and Webinars
This webinar is an opportunity for anyone interested in learning more about a model of treatment for concurrent eating disorders (ED) and substance use disorders (SUD). In this webinar, Dr. Katherine Henderson and Dr. Shari Mayman will review the state of treatment for concurrent ED/SUD and introduce viewers to an integrated approach that focuses on underlying emotional processes, as well as problematic symptoms and behaviors. C-CARE is a lifespan model that allows for continuity of care across life transitions (i.e., youth to adult) and addresses the current silos in treatment programming for eating disorders and substance abuse.
Videos and Webinars
This webinar is an opportunity for anyone interested in learning more about the nuances of religious and spiritual fasting in relation to providing support for people living with an eating disorder and/or struggling with food restriction. Panelists Joy Ssebikindu, LPC, Malak Saddy, RD, LD, CEDRD-S, and Aaron Flores, RDN discussed the differences between a religious and spiritual fast, the importance of ascertaining the motivation and intention behind a fast, and shared strategies for navigating conversations around religious fasts with people in treatment for an eating disorder.
Videos and Webinars
Jointly hosted by the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work (FIFSW) at the University of Toronto, Sheena’s Place, and the National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC), this webinar featured Kyle T. Ganson (he/him), PhD, MSW, Assistant Professor at the FIFSW, whose research and clinical social work practice experience has focused on boys and men who experience eating disorders. Topics covered included updated prevalence of eating disorders and disordered eating, nuances of presentations, barriers to care, and tangible assessment and intervention strategies to translate directly to practice. There was a special focus placed on muscularity-oriented disordered eating, considerations across racial and ethnic identities, and gender and sexual orientation.
Videos and Webinars
The body is central to the experience of athletes and becomes a tool to be honed, sculpted, manipulated and optimized in a quest for improved performance. This attitude towards the body can engender unhealthy relationships with food and exercise which do not fit neatly into pathological categories, but are dysfunctional, nuanced and complex. In this webinar, Dr. Sarah Gairdner explores the varied manifestations of food and body distress which can occur for athletes (women, men and regardless of their sport).
Videos and Webinars
In this webinar, Sara Santarossa PhD Candidate from the University of Windsor’s Community Health, Environment, and Wellness (CHEW) Lab will introduce othorexia, and how orthorexia has been conceptualized by the media, with a particular emphasis on the role of social media. Viewers will receive a brief introduction into background literature and research on orthorexia, including diagnostic tools and potential treatment ideas as well as being given practical tips and tricks for warning signs and social media use.
Videos and Webinars
Body image is still a concern during the pandemic -- we see it in memes on social media. Helen Vlachoyannacos and Heather Thompson are experienced teachers who wrote the Beyond Images curriculum. Join them for a webinar aimed at parents to learn more about teaching body image and using activities from Beyond Images outside of the classroom. Slides: https://nedic.ca/media/uploaded/NEDIC_Webinar_COVID-192.pdf Beyond Images can be downloaded for free in English at beyondimages.ca and in French at audeladelimage.ca.
Videos and Webinars
Join our Outreach & Education team in a webinar about the ways eating disorder risk intersect with the COVID-19 pandemic, what eating disorder prevention looks like, and practical recommendations to address these challenges in the school environment. Slides: https://nedic.ca/media/uploaded/NEDIC_-_Webinar_June_30.pdf
Videos and Webinars
While ARFID is a relatively new diagnosis, cases of children, youth, and adults who are anxious, reluctant or struggling to eat are well-documented in the literature. In this webinar, Grace Wong, RD, will expand on the Bulletin articles she co-authored with Dr Katja Rowell. They advocate to view and understand feeding and eating challenges through a developmental and relational perspective. Many individuals presenting with ARFID have struggled since early childhood and might have "failed" pediatric interventions. This webinar aims to provide you with practical information to assess feeding and eating difficulties faced by individuals and families and to provide guidance using a responsive feeding therapy approach for ARFID (RFT-ARFID).
Videos and Webinars
Accompanying slides available: https://nedic.ca/media/uploaded/Coping-with-the-Holidays-updated-Nov-2019.pdf / Winter holidays can be challenging, particularly for those coping with disordered eating. Join staff from the National Eating Disorder Information Centre, Eating Disorders Nova Scotia, Sheena's Place in an exploration of ways to draw on social support, and coping strategies to manage difficulties such as grief, isolation, and diet culture that may be particularly heightened this year. Support and programs available across Canada will also be covered. Facilitated by Ary Maharaj (he/him), MEd, RP (Qualifying), Raquel Poley (she/her), MSW, RSW, Kaitlyn Axelrod (she/her), MSW, RSW, & Kelsey Johnston (she/her), MSW, RSW. Note: This was an educational webinar, not a therapeutic group. This webinar will not offer medical or clinical advice.
Videos and Webinars
In this webinar, Dianne Bondy, Dr. Jennifer Kreatsoulas, and Dr. Dianne Neumark-Sztainer will discuss the impact of yoga on body image concerns and eating disorder prevention, in addition to exploring whether yoga can be effectively integrated into eating disorder treatment. Viewers will receive a review of how yoga has been portrayed in recent media messaging and will be introduced to the positive and/or negative effects of yoga on people being treated for or at risk of an eating disorder.
Videos and Webinars
This session, presented by Kori Kostka RD, Doron Eisen MD, and Claudia Mariano NP, reviews the impact of a weight-based approach on patient care and health outcomes; and challenge participants by presenting a new paradigm using Health At Every Size(R) from a registered dietitian, family physician, and nurse practitioner perspective for weight management referrals which can transform patients and health teams. The presenters comment on the challenges and possible solutions for implementing this approach in a team-based environment.
NEDIC Bulletin
Existing documents have identified areas for improvement in the Canadian context, but the perspectives of adults with lived inpatient treatment experience are often missing at the forefront. In this NEDIC Bulletin, Catherine Q. Armour reports on findings from a study she carried out to explore how can adult inpatient eating treatment be improved from the perspectives of Canadians with lived experience.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin exploring the concept of Health at Every Size. The connections between weight and health are considered, and tips for focusing on behaviour rather than weight are offered.
NEDIC Bulletin
Clinical interviews with young people recovering from an eating disorder suggest that the "stages of change" model provides youth and their helpers with a framework for understanding the course of the disorder. When asked what helped them to move forward or to get ready for change, they indicated that their helpers (including parents, friends, teachers, and health professionals) played a key role in recognizing their need for treatment, and providing them with the structure and tools for recovery. In this article, Joanne Gusella, PhD highlights some helping tools and suggest the stage at which they may be particularly important.
NEDIC Bulletin
A NEDIC Bulletin exploring primary prevention in schools, in the family, and beyond, with a focus on the experience of adolescents..
Videos and Webinars
In this webinar, Dori Zener, MSW, RSW, discusses the co-occurrence of autism spectrum disorders and eating disorders, and provides recommendations for supporting clients on the spectrum who experience eating difficulties, including strategies for providing therapy that is tailored to their needs.