Hi there! You’ve found JEM™

You can chat with JEM™ to learn more about eating disorders and find resources from NEDIC. JEM™ works best when you click the buttons or type a response which generally aligns with one of the responses in the chat. 

Please click the light blue chat bubble in the bottom right corner to start chatting with JEM™. Your conversation with JEM™ is not monitored. If you are experiencing distress, support is available through the national Suicide Crisis Helpline, which can be reached by phone or text at 9-8-8. JEM™ on this webpage is for Canada-based users only. 

JEM™ is a chatbot developed by researchers at Monash University in Australia, led by A/Prof Gemma Sharp, and co-designed with people with a lived experience. JEM™ is “rule-based”. This means that all of JEM™ chatbot’s conversations have been pre-programed by the research team. The chatbot cannot come up with its own responses.

You’re always welcome to reach out to the helpline if you can't find what you're looking for! 

What can the helpline do for me?
hi, i'm jem! jem icon wearing glasses and holding a pencil