Delia Xenophontos
Dec. 13, 2016, 5:53 p.m.
For many people, the holiday season is full of joy. It is a time to celebrate and gather with family and friends, and it is certainly filled with lots of socializing and eating. For people with eating disorders, however, the holidays often come with tremendous anxiety, fear, and stress. Below, are a few tips to help make the holidays less stressful and more enjoyable.
Plan ahead and schedule your time accordingly. This will keep you organized and give you time for mental preparation.
Prioritize and avoid overbooking yourself. You do not need to attend every event if you do not want to. Give yourself the right to do what is best for you.
Celebrate every victory – even the small ones – by rewarding yourself!
Practice self-care. In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, it is very important to to take care of yourself.
Suggestion: Take time for yourself – do something every day that you enjoy and makes you feel good.
Lastly, seek help if you need it. Do not be afraid to ask for help.
As someone who has struggled with an eating disorder for years, I know how difficult the holiday season can be. So, please remember that you are so much stronger than your eating disorder. Do your very best to stay strong this holiday season. You CAN do this, I promise!
Delia Xenophontos is an aspiring psychiatrist, who is passionate about neuroscience and mental health. When she isn’t studying neuroscience, she is an active volunteer, currently volunteering for the National Eating Disorder Information Centre, the Looking Glass Foundation for Eating Disorders, and Jack.org. She dedicates almost everything she does to mental health awareness and is the founder of Mental Health Talks (www.facebook.com/mentalhealthtalks).