Kelly Bradley
May 2, 2015, 5:17 p.m.
This submission was originally posted on I AM THAT GIRL
I am much better at listing my flaws than my strengths. I am sometimes too quick to dismiss compliments. When I look in the mirror, it’s instinctual to notice the “imperfections” first. And when it comes to life, some part of me feels like I could always be doing (just that much) better.
Why is it so easy to default to self-criticism? Of all people, shouldn’t I be a champion in my own life? Why wouldn’t I embrace my strengths and find encouragement in my own self-confidence? It’s time to bring attention to the best parts of myself. I can hope that those around me admire these qualities as well, but it’s incredibly important that I recognize and love them too. These are the things that make me who I am. And so I ask myself, what makes me love me?
I have an incredible amount of strength. I have been handed my fair share of disappointments. My heart has been broken and I have even let myself down at times. Yet, despite the number of times life has pushed me down; I always pick myself back up. I am grateful to have family and friends who support me when life is challenging, but the ability to turn my own life right-side-up again is powerful.
I appreciate my innate ability to notice life’s simple details. I love that I can stop myself in a moment to notice the clouds after it rains, the leaves changing color in the fall, or the quietness of a Saturday morning when I sit on my porch with a cup of coffee.
I pride myself on being a kind person. I admit, at times my generosity can fall short but it is always my best intention to treat every single person with respect. If I can put someone’s needs before my own, I do.
I love that I can make myself laugh. No one else in the world may think that I am funny, but being able to laugh at my own jokes or find humor in something even when no one else is around is kind of amazing.
My stubbornness balances the line between flaw and strength. It may be a flaw that I like to do things my own way, but with stubbornness comes independence. I love that I can do things for myself. I am self-sufficient and that makes me appreciate everything I have that much more.
Lucille Ball once said, “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”
It’s time to fall in love.
Kelly Bradley has earned her Bachelor’s degree (and currently works) in Fashion Merchandising, but has always had a passion for writing. Looking for a way to share a little life wisdom and encourage individuality, Kelly began writing for I AM THAT GIRL in February 2015. She hopes her words can inspire women and men to discover and embrace what makes them truly extraordinary.