Marie Sinclair
April 13, 2022, noon
My relationship status with food says:
“It’s complicated”
I didn’t realize how it waited
It hibernated just below the surface
Chemical addiction
Or behavior addiction
They both bring
& Fear
One day at a time
I can choose to never have that first drink
But one day at a time
I DO need to eat
You see
With food it must be moderation
Not elimination
& ohhh how I dance
Toe to heel
Toe to heel
In this balance Ballet
Sobriety brought me a buffet
Of meaningful experiences & relationships
& I feast daily
On These blessings
I am afraid to let my body feast
The same way
Too little Too much
Too little Too much
I try to shift the focus
From how I look to how I feel
On my journey to heal
I realize
I must nourish myself physically
The way I am learning to nourish myself
Nourish to Flourish
Nourish to Flourish
I had to get a bigger toolbox
To carry all the skills I need
plant the seeds
& water them too
My body is mine
& it matters because of the purpose it serves
And the memories it holds
My self respect is not on sale
I have sold
myself short
one too many times
Food is good
& my body is too
As I learn to
release expectations
self love breaks through.
There is an impossible standard
In our society today – and
I have had enough
Of not measuring up.
As a woman
I am supposed to be nurturing,
Submissive, and sweet
I must be able to keep
A man satisfied
But God forbid
I embrace MY sexuality
For MY own purpose and pleasure
Despite all of this
My body continues to weather
My storms –
My heart still beats
just beneath my skin
It IS thin perhaps – but it serves its purpose
My blood vessels reach
Like dainty blue branches
I have received many second chances –
My lungs can fill & inflate
With oxygen
I may have bloomed late
But praise God that I can bloom at all
My feet are wide
But they anchor me to the ground
I have found
Purpose for my body
It exists for me and me alone
It is the place that my heart & soul
Call home.
Why do I feel more appreciated
When my body is small
Why does it seem like the end- all -be- all
Around the amount of space that I take up
I have been big
& I have been light
Why is it assumed
Skinny = healthy
I feel the shift in their attitudes towards me
As I drop pounds the way I drop my self respect
For your approval
I get compliments now
& smiles Everywhere I go
I was beautiful before too
That body brought me here
Why do I have to fear
Fat isn’t a fate worse than death!
Dangerous by Kardinal Offishall
Played background music to my adolescence
We are a generation of women who long to be beautiful AND desired
My boots with the fur – have long been retired
Your validation is NO LONGER required
I am only a girl
Who changes sizes like shoes
& I feel my insignificance
How are we all so indifferent
My indignation rises
With every cat call and compliment
Why does he comment
On my body like it’s produce
Or a car, driving down the street
I imagine myself sweep
All the broken pieces of the different versions of myself
That I shattered and left behind
I strive daily
To take up as much space as I can find
Maybe I can give some of mine
To someone who hasn’t found theirs, yet
Author's Bio
Marie Elizabeth Sinclair of Hamilton, ON discovered her passion for artistic expression when she was an adolescent living in Lethbridge, AB. As a young child Marie lived all over Canada and in Mali, West Africa with her family. Marie’s art in all forms is an expression of her joy & spirituality. Her work today focuses on inspirations that arise from shifting the perspective on the mundane things in everyday life & expressing messages of hope, gratitude, and empowerment. Through significant challenges with mental health and addiction Marie’s affinity for creativity has always found, fueled and healed her.
April 11, 2017, 9:30 p.m.