Harm reduction is a set of principles, policies, and practical strategies aimed at enhancing quality of life while reducing the risks or harmful impacts associated with engaging in certain behaviours. Recognizing that these risky or potentially harmful behaviours may be helping an individual cope with or survive in their circumstances, harm reduction promotes safer ways to engage in the behaviours. These practices were initially developed to minimize the negative consequences of substance use but can be applied to a variety of behaviours, including disordered eating.
Principles of harm reduction include individualism and autonomy. This involves centering the person as the expert of their own experience, empowering them to frame recovery and well-being in their own terms. In practice, this may look like reflecting on each individual’s goals, strengths, values, and needs to create targets to keep a person safer and improve their quality of life.
Harm reduction aims to promote safety and improve quality of life, even if disordered eating behaviours are still present in an individual’s life. Reflect on your disordered eating and how it impacts your life. Do certain behaviours have a more negative impact on your physical health or emotional well-being? Are there aspects of your disordered eating that make your daily life more challenging? Asking yourself these questions may help guide you toward potential starting points. You might prioritize behaviours that pose the greatest risk to your health, or behaviours that make it hard to enjoy things that are important to you.
For example, running without adequate energy intake can be dangerous. I’ll start by ensuring I’ve eaten before going on a run. Running multiple times a day limits my time with family and friends. I'll begin by cutting down my daily running time.
Identifying markers of physical and emotional well-being that you can check quickly and easily can help you assess what's working and what's not. Consider how your body feels before, during, and after engaging in a behaviour; are you experiencing any pain, feeling dizzy or fatigued? Reflect on your emotions; do you notice a shift in your mood? If you’re experiencing distress, this may be a sign to adjust your behaviour.
For example, before and after going on a run I will assess how my body feels. Do I have any pain that is higher than a 5/10? Do I feel dizzy or faint? If yes, I can adjust more.
Challenging disordered eating is hard work and can come with many complex or intense feelings! Consider what coping strategies could help you navigate difficult emotions that may arise during this time. You might find it helpful to list them. If you’re having trouble thinking of ideas or want to try something new, check out our coping strategies page. Can you think of any challenges that may make it more difficult to use your go-to strategies? Consider how you might work around these challenges. You might plan ahead by having a set of backup strategies in place or reaching out for support.
For example, I know there will be a part of me that wants to exercise more, so I’ll plan to soothe my emotions by journaling when I get home. If journaling doesn’t work, I’ll distract myself by watching a movie.
Mapping out your support network can help you identify where and how you can access help. First consider what supports you already have in place, this can enable you to determine what is missing from your network. Perhaps there are resources among your current supports that can help fill the gaps. You can also check out our service provider directory to locate additional sources of support that are accessible to you.
For example, I’ll call a friend when I get home from my run and plan to talk about this with my support group later this week.
No, harm reduction is not necessarily in opposition to abstinence, rather it recognizes that abstaining or eliminating disordered eating entirely may not be a realistic or desirable goal for all people, especially in the short term. For instance, harm reduction acknowledges that disordered eating may function as a coping strategy for some. It may not be realistic to expect a person to refrain from disordered eating if they have not yet developed new, more adaptive coping strategies.
Harm reduction also acknowledges that many people are unable to access treatment and professional supports, however there are strategies and techniques that can reduce harm and can be done in the person’s own environment.
Eating disorders can be really challenging to cope with, and often eating disorder thoughts can impact a person’s desire and want to engage in harm reduction.
Using reframing can be helpful to gently challenge the disorder eating thoughts. This is often most effective when replacing the disordered eating thought with a more balanced, neutral, and rational thought.
For example, if the thought of “I can’t avoid exercising” is present, try replacing it with “My eating disorder doesn’t want me to avoid exercising, and I can try to reduce a little to avoid hurting my body more”.