Share your story


Share your story using the #EDAW2023 hashtag to tell people the type of action you want to see taken to help people affected by eating disorders in Canada. 

There are three ways to participate: 

  1. Share one of our short videos alongside your reflections.
  2. Film a short video (up to one minute in length) to take advantage of platforms like Instagram reels and TikToks.
  3. Create a text post as an image or caption on your platform of choice.


We believe EDAW is a time for honesty and authenticity, and recognize that for people directly affected, it can be a time that activates a lot of difficult emotions. If you're wanting to think about safety as you share your story, consider these guidelines or reflect on these reminders: 

  • Try not to talk about numbers (e.g., calories, weights, BMI, etc.) or sharing graphic descriptions around symptoms, as this often leads to downward comparisons.
  • If you participate in this campaign, know that we believe you and your story. Sharing before/after pictures or engaging in body checking often shows up when people try to prove that they aren't feeling well, but can actually be harmful for those who might not think that they're unwell.
  • We believe that everyone who lives with an eating disorder deserves help and being "sick enough" is narrative imposed on us due to a scarcity of accessible mental health resources.

Sharing your story can often be difficult, and we trust you to differentiate between an action that feels uncomfortable compared to an action that feels unsafe. Here are some general tips centred around taking care of yourself before and after sharing: 

  • Take a break! You don't have to film/create your post all in one go. 
  • Have your script pre-written and prepared before your post. 
  • It might be nice to talk to a support person after you share. You could reach out to NEDIC's helpline or chat if you prefer to talk to someone anonymously and confidentially. 
  • Plan something fun or relaxing to do after that doesn't use a lot of brain energy. 
  • You, your story, and your experience are all valid. There's no such thing as a perfect story to share; we're all different, and the more stories are out there, the more someone might see an experience that resonates with them and encourages them to explore support. 

Share a video

Download and share one of our short videos that you resonate with by clicking the link below. We encourage you to add your own reflections when you share using the #EDAW2023 hashtag. 

Download video options

Film your own video

Tell us what action you want to see taken to help support people affected by eating disorders in Canada. You can learn more about some of the actions community-based eating disorder organizations are advocating for on this page; and we encourage you to share from your heart. 

Here's a sample script you could follow: 

Hi, ny name is [NAME]. I'm from [LOCATION] in Canada and I care about eating disorders because I'm [PERSON DIRECTLY AFFECTED, CAREGIVER, HEALTHCARE PROVIDER, COACH, etc.]. This year, I demand change by [INSERT ACTION].

Here are some tips for filming

  • Try to be in a location that has good lighting. Natural light works best, but filming with your phone/camera in front of a lamp can also work in the evening or at night.
  • Social media algorithms usually amplify video posts that are under one minute. While we know that isn't enough to capture the entirety of anyone's experience, focusing on speaking about one key action is one way to stay concise.
  • Try to reduce background noise, and/or add 'captions' so that people can hear you!
  • Shoot your video vertically (i.e., portrait or 'selfie' mode) if possible; this often translates better to social media posts.
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Create a text post

Tell us what action you want to see taken to help support people affected by eating disorders in Canada. You can learn more about some of the actions community-based eating disorder organizations are advocating for on this page; and we encourage you to share from your heart. 

Feel free to add text on top of this post or utilize this version adapted for use on Instagram stories if you prefer. Don't forget to add #EDAW2023 to your post!

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