Upcoming Seasonal Workshops

Our workshops are free and open to all genders: women, men, trans and non-binary people ages 16 and up, including our clients, community members, families, and service providers. You do not need to have an eating disorder to attend, only a desire to have a more balanced and peaceful relationship with food and your body.

Family & Friends Workshop (Part 1): What are Eating Disorders and How can I Help? – Saturday, November 14 • 12:30-2:30pm

Overcoming Perfectionism – Wednesday, November 18 • 5:00-7:00pm

Nutrition and the Holidays – Monday, December 7 • 6:00-8:00pm

Family & Friends Workshop (Part 2): Communicating with your Loved One – Saturday, January 16 • 12:30-2:30pm

We are now offering virtual workshops! Workshops will be held on Microsoft Teams. A computer, tablet or smartphone is required to virtually participate.

Click here to view a printable version of our Winter Workshop flyer.

To register, contact 204-947-2422 ext. 137 or email edprogram@womenshealthclinic.org