Specific Considerations for Employers

If you are an employer or workplace leader, you may find the information and tips on this page helpful

  • Workplace awareness and prevention

    • Work stress

      Given that eating disorders are severe mental health concerns, they have the potential to significantly interfere with affected individuals' workplace performance.

      It may not be obvious who is struggling at first glance based on work performance, as many people with eating disorders can be high functioning and excel at their job. As eating disorders thrive in secrecy, individuals will often make strenuous efforts to keep any difficulties hidden and may keep to themselves to avoid their illness being noticed at work. 

      While a work situation will not be the sole and direct cause of an eating disorder, workplace related stress can trigger eating disordered thoughts and behaviours and be a factor that exacerbates an existing problem. While some people choose to inform their manager or a colleague to get support and/or accommodations, many do not out of fear that disclosing a mental illness may lead to consequences such as losing their job or dealing with gossip. 

    • Warning signs

      It’s important to avoid stereotypes and assumptions – remember that you cannot tell if someone has an eating disorder just based on their appearance. Keep an eye out for behavioural signs that may warrant a conversation for finding out more about what may be going on. 

      Examples of warnings signs that may someone with an eating disorder may exhibit are: 

      • Indicators that they are preoccupied with weight loss, dieting, or food (e.g., frequent dieting-focused discussion at work)
      • Evidence of binge eating (e.g., wrappers hidden in office, food missing in shared kitchen)
      • Evidence of purging behaviours (e.g., often going to the bathroom after meals)
      • Excessive exercise regime (e.g., exercising beyond what is considered normative, missing out on other important aspects of their lives in order to exercise)
      • Withdrawal from friends and usual activities (e.g., missing shared meals, being absent from the kitchen during lunch breaks, avoiding social gatherings)
    • Workplace culture

      While it is possible that there is no one at your workplace with an eating disorder, everyone should be encouraged to create and foster a positive workplace culture around food and body. 

      Here are some suggestions to improve your workplace culture around food and dieting: 

      • Create a culture around eating lunch together and not alone at one’s desk
      • Offer comfortable and inviting options for where to eat lunch (such as a lunch room)
      • Ensure people have time to eat lunch and snacks
      • Focus on conversation topics such as hobbies, upcoming trips, children – anything of interest away from dieting, weight loss, and body ideals
      • If there are “motivational” posters or imagery used, reflect on whether any of the messages might be stigmatizing towards someone else because of who they are or how they might look, including body size
      • Avoid workplace wellness programs that promote weight loss or competition (note that programs that promote mental and physical health can be helpful, however participation should be voluntary and should not focus on weight)
      • If you are in a position of authority (such a member ot your organization's leadership team or a human resources manager), advocate for the level of insurance coverage for mental health and dietitian services that helps ensure that employees with eating disorders are able to access the care that they need
    • Supporting an employee with an eating disorder

      Workplaces that are inclusive of people with eating disorders offer support to affected employees that encourages them to pursue recovery. People who are positioned to do so (e.g., senior leaders and human resources managers) should advocate for insurance coverage for mental health therapists and dietititans to minimize employees' barriers to accessing eating disorder care.

      An employee affected by an eating disorder may need lengthy treatment or periodic absences to attend appointments. Employers should reinforce policies and procedures regarding accommodations. This may include adjusting hours or responsibilities to allow the employee to prioritize their well-being and recovery. 

      As an employer, flexibility is essential for supporting employees experiencing an eating disorder. Employees may need leaves of absence from work in order to attend intensive treatment or regular health care appointments. Support may include offering more predictable shifts, reduced hours, the ability to call treatment providers during work hours, and modifications in job responsibilities, especially if there are physical concerns (e.g., eliminating heavy lifting or other strenuous tasks). Treatment is not only physically uncomfortable but also emotionally taxing. Be compassionate and, if possible, be flexible with deadlines and offer opportunities for the redistribution of work or make assistance available. 

      Keep in mind that employees and coworkers may be greatly affected by the eating disorder of a loved one. Caring for a loved one struggling with an eating disorder can be physically, emotionally, and mentally demanding. Those in a caregiving role may need support and accommodations of their own, such as a flexible schedule so they can accompany their loved one to appointments. 

      From a workplace perspective, it is beneficial to provide employees experiencing an eating disorder time off to receive treatment and accommodations to gradually return to work as this support is vital to their recovery and, in turn, their ability to contribute in the workplace to their full potential.  

      Read about how employers can support individuals with eating disorders in this NEDIC Bulletin:

      Addressing Food and Eating Disorders in the Workplace (PDF)