National Implementation Study of a Virtual Parent-Led Peer Support Intervention

Are you the parent of a child or adolescent with an eating disorder?

Participate in a study of virtual, parent-led, peer support groups for parents of children and adolescents with eating disorders

Dr. Jennifer Couturier and her research team at McMaster University are recruiting parents of children and adolescents with an Eating Disorder to participate in virtual support groups with other parents of children with Eating Disorders. Groups will be led by parent peer support providers, who have experience in caring for a child with an Eating Disorder (who has recovered) and have completed the study’s parent peer support training. 

Study participation includes:

  • Attending bi-weekly (2 times/month) virtual support group evening sessions for 3 months
  • Complete questionnaires related to parental burden, needs, and self-efficacy
  • Completing an interview about your experience in the group

You are eligible for this study you:

  • are able to understand, speak, and write in English
  • have computer and internet access
  • have a child or adolescent who is less than 18 years old and is living with an Eating Disorder

Participants will be compensated with a gift card.

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