Return to Sport Following an Eating Disorder for Racialized Athletes

Share your experience of returning to sport following an eating disorder or disordered eating

Researchers at McGill University are seeking participants for a study exploring the return to sport experiences of racialized athletes in recovery or who have recovered from an eating disorder or disordered eating. They are interested in examining the people within athletes’ network during the return to sport process, and how specific people and their actions impact athletes’ sporting and recovery experiences. Insights gathered will help inform the development of culturally-sensitive eating disorder policies in sport.

Participation will involve a two-part one-on-one interview, which can be done in-person or virtually. In part one, you will complete a drawing-based activity to construct a visual representation of the people within your network during the return to sport process. In part two, you will complete an interview, guided by your drawing, about the role and impact of each person within your network on your experiences. It is estimated that participation will take two hours in total. Participants will receive a $40 CAD Amazon gift card in compensation for their time.

You may be eligible to participate in the study if you:

  1. identify as racialized, or a member of the Black, Indigenous, or People of Colour communities
  2. returned to sport following an eating disorder or disordered eating;
  3. are an athlete currently registered for competition (or retired from sport within the past 3 years following a return to sport following an eating disorder or disordered eating);
  4. feel you can discuss in depth how specific people within your network impacted your return to sport and recovery experiences;
  5. are 18 years or older.

If you are interested in participating, contact PhD student Olivia Feng at