
On this page, you can use the search function to find online articles, brochures, links to websites, and videos or webinars.  Some materials are targeted at professionals, but many are intended for the general public, and a wide range of topics are discussed. 

We hope that you find these materials and resources useful. You can contact us for more information or support at 1-866-NEDIC-20 (416-340-4156 in the GTA) or via live chat. 

20 Resources


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AboutFace’s mission is to promote and enhance positive mental and emotional well-being of individuals with facial differences and their families through social and peer support, information, educational programs and awareness.

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  • #Health Promotion and Education


Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is the world's largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. Members of the Academy play a key role in shaping the public's food choices, thereby improving its nutritional status, and in treating persons with illnesses or injuries. Members offer preventive and medical nutrition therapy services in a variety of settings.

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  • #Health Promotion and Education


Au-dela des images

Les jeunes qui ont une piètre estime de leur image corporelle tendent à devenir des personnes qui hésitent à exprimer leurs opinions et qui peuvent en venir à éviter certaines opportunités académiques, sociales et économiques. Développer sa résilience dès la petite enfance est la clé pour acquérir une meilleure image corporelle et estime de soi. Révisé en 2016! Comprenant maintenant cinq leçons par niveau, allant de la 4e année du primaire jusqu’à la 2e année du secondaire, le programme Au-delà de l’image a été actualisé afin de bien outiller les enseignants et enseignantes pour aider les élèves à mieux comprendre les messages véhiculés dans les médias et les médias sociaux. Au-delà de l’image, invite les jeunes à pénétrer le monde des médias armés d’un esprit critique! Les élèves apprennent la mécanique et la symbolique utilisées dans la construction des messages médiatiques, pour ensuite apprendre à créer leurs propres messages sur la beauté au-delà des apparences. Au-delà de l’image explore les concepts actuels de beauté masculine et féminine et ce que cela signifie d’y correspondre, aidant ainsi les élèves à comprendre et à développer leur capacité de résilience vis-à-vis de ces messages stéréotypés.

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  • #Body Image
  • #Critical Media Literacy
  • #Health Promotion and Education
  • #Youth and Eating Disorders


Beyond Images

Beyond Images is a free curriculum for grades 4 through 8, filling a gap in media literacy curricula nationally and including activities that make a positive difference in combating appearance-based bullying and negative stereotypes. The curriculum provides the opportunity to explore key issues in today's society around body image and self-esteem as well as media messaging, while developing critical thinking skills. Revised for 2022, Beyond Images is also available in French.

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  • #Body Image
  • #Critical Media Literacy
  • #Health Promotion and Education
  • #Youth and Eating Disorders



Developed by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, with contributions from NEDIC, BodySense is an interactive e-learning course for adolescent athletes. It is designed to: educate and enhance their awareness and knowledge on how to navigate body image; bring balance to both their physical and mental health; and work towards greater respect and compassion for their body within and outside of sport. BodySense includes self-reflection and self-assessment activities as well as tools, resources, and useful links for athletes to explore.

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  • #Body Image
  • #Exercise and Movement
  • #Health Promotion and Education
  • #Self-Help
  • #Youth and Eating Disorders


Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

CCSA works with its partners to address issues related to substance use and addiction that affect the health and safety of Canadians.

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  • #Concurrent Conditions
  • #Depression
  • #Health Promotion and Education


Canadian Mental Health Association

CMHA facilitates access to the resources people require to maintain and improve mental health and community integration, build resilience, and support recovery from mental illness.CMHA branches across Canada provide a wide range of innovative services and supports to people who are experiencing mental illness and their families.

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  • #Concurrent Conditions
  • #Depression
  • #Health Promotion and Education
  • #Self-Esteem
  • #Self-Help
  • #Youth and Eating Disorders


Canadian Psychological Association

To advance and promote psychology for the benefit of all, one of the CPA’s four objectives is to improve the health and welfare of all Canadians. Psychology is an important part of the social fabric of Canada. Canada is a big and diverse country.

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  • #Treatment Types


Dietitians of Canada

Dietitians of Canada (DC) is the professional association representing over 5,000 members at the local, provincial and national levels with regional offices in British Columbia, Alberta and the Territories, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada.

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  • #Health Promotion and Education


Dove Confident Me

Confident Me is a set of evidence-based resources for teachers and schools aimed at 11-14 year olds. Aligned to promote adolescent body confidence, the free downloadable tools are designed to allow teachers and schools to run body-confidence workshops. The workshops allow teachers and pupils to explore the impact that image ideals portrayed through the media have on young people's self-esteem.

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  • #Critical Media Literacy


Eating Disorders Ontario

Formerly known as the Ontario Community Outreach Program for Eating Disorders (OCOPED), Eating Disorders Ontario provides training in treatment and prevention to practitioners working in publicly-funded, no-fee-for-service settings including public health, schools, primary care, community mental health and addictions, hospital, and specialized eating disorders programs.

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  • #Health Promotion and Education


Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders (FEAST)

F.E.A.S.T. is an International non-profit organization of and for caregivers of loved ones suffering from eating disorders. F.E.A.S.T.’s Mission is to support caregivers by providing information and mutual support, promoting evidence-based treatment, and advocating for research and education to reduce the suffering associated with eating disorders.

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  • #Family Members and Caregivers
  • #Self-Help



HelpGuide is a guide to mental health and wellness. Their goal is to empower you with the knowledge and support you need to take charge of your life and start feeling better.

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  • #Concurrent Conditions
  • #Depression
  • #Health Promotion and Education
  • #Self-Esteem
  • #Self-Help
  • #Youth and Eating Disorders


Kelty Eating Disorders

Maintained by the British Columbia-based Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre, this website houses a wealth of information and resources pertaining to the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. Website content includes facts about eating disorders, information about treatment, and links to guides and tools for individuals living with eating disorders, carers, educators, and health care providers.

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  • #Anorexia Nervosa
  • #ARFID
  • #Binge Eating Disorder
  • #Bulimia Nervosa
  • #Health Promotion and Education
  • #OSFED
  • #Treatment Types
  • #Youth and Eating Disorders


Media Smarts

MediaSmarts is a Canadian not-for-profit charitable organization for digital and media literacy. MediaSmarts has been developing digital and media literacy programs and resources for Canadian homes, schools and communities since 1996. Through our work we support adults with information and tools so they can help children and teens develop the critical thinking skills they need for interacting with the media they love.

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  • #Body Image
  • #Critical Media Literacy
  • #Health Promotion and Education
  • #Self-Esteem
  • #Youth and Eating Disorders


Mood Disorders Society of Canada

The MDSC is engaged on an ongoing basis in a wide range of projects and initiatives designed to support the inclusion of persons with disabling mental illnesses in Canadian society and has taken a lead proactive role in public policy and program development in many capacities on the national stage.

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  • #Concurrent Conditions
  • #Depression
  • #Health Promotion and Education


PTSD Association of Canada

The PTSD Association of Canada is a not for profit organization that exists to help those experiencing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), those at risk for PTSD and those who care for traumatized individuals, as well as their families, friends and fellow workers and medical community.

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  • #Concurrent Conditions
  • #Depression
  • #Health Promotion and Education


Stop Family Violence

Stop Family Violence provides you with a one-stop source of information on family violence. If you are affected by family violence, know someone who is, or simply want to learn more about the issue, their website contains information and links to supports and services in your area.

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  • #Concurrent Conditions
  • #Health Promotion and Education


‘The Magic Mind and Body’ children’s eBook

In collaboration with Cartoon Network’s Steven Universe, Dove – the largest provider of evidence-based body confidence education in the world – created a personalisable, interactive eBook for children to showcase individuality and diversity. Co-written by Steven Universe creator and New York Times best-selling children's author Rebecca Sugar, and psychologist, body image specialist, researcher and children's book author Sigrun Danielsdottir, in conjunction with the Centre for Appearance Research at the University of the West of England; the eBook is evidence-based to help build young people’s self-esteem as it celebrates the story of the human body and its capabilities using the Steven Universe characters. Through a series of interactive, editable tools the eBook endeavours to highlight the importance of the individual and instil an understanding that, much like the eBook’s characters, people are unique.

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  • #Critical Media Literacy


Understanding Eating Disorders in Adolescence

CANPED is a website of support for those caring for a youth with an eating disorder. They provide educational videos on the following topics: What is an eating disorder?; Understanding the medical risks associated with eating disorders; Understanding what eating disorders are about; Treatment options for youth with eating disorders; Supporting your loved one - highs and lows; Meal support (before, during, and after meals); Practical tips and tricks for parents and caregivers of youth with an eating disorder.

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  • #Youth and Eating Disorders