Better care begins with education. This EDAW, healthcare providers, educators, and community organizations can take advantage of specialized training opportunities to become more "eating disorder-informed." These trainings aim to equip participants with the knowledge and tools needed to recognize, understand, and support those impacted by eating disorders.
Choose from:
Whether you're a frontline provider or part of an organization seeking to deepen its impact, these trainings provide a vital foundation for delivering compassionate and effective care.
Are you a healthcare provider who works with individuals who experience disordered eating and/or body image concerns? We invite you to deepen your understanding of eating disorders and diet culture in order to learn how to best support folks who are experiencing ruptured relationships to food and body.
In this workshop we offer a systemic framework to contextualize the experience of disordered eating, as well as offer practical tools, perspectives, and approaches to include in your practice as you support folks on their journey to developing a more peaceful relationship to food and body.
This free, online training opportunity is for healthcare providers who interested in enhancing the ways we support people of colour with eating disorders. Healthcare providers from a variety of disciplines (medicine, nursing, psychology, counselling, social work, psychotherapy, dietetics, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, etc.) are welcome!
Over a two hour period, participants will have the opportunity to:
Note: We are offering two sections of the same workshop, so please only register for one. Spaces are limited to 50 per workshop in order to prioritize small group learning activities.
This introductory training course is aimed at offering education to people who practice nutrition work in community-based settings (such as non-profit organizations).
Many healthcare providers receive very little ED-specific training over their formal education. This course is designed to help fill this gap and ensure that people who practice nutrition work in community-based settings are equipped with the tools they need to support patients or clients with eating disorders.
For $150, gain access to online modules that cover the following topics:
This introductory training course is aimed at offering education to social workers, therapists, psychologists, mental health care providers, and other professionals in Health, Social and Human Services.
This introductory training course is designed for primary care providers, including family doctors, physicians, nurse practitioners, and nurses.
This introductory training course is designed for primary care providers, including family doctors, physicians, nurse practitioners, and nurses.
Many healthcare providers receive very little ED-specific training over their formal education. This course is designed to help fill this gap and ensure that primary care providers are equipped with the tools they need to support patients or clients with eating disorders.
For $175, gain access to online modules that cover the following topics:
This course is eligible to count for 2 Non-Certified Activity Credits with the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
This introductory training course is aimed at offering education to social workers, therapists, psychologists, mental health care providers, and other professionals in Health, Social and Human Services.
Many healthcare providers receive very little ED-specific training over their formal education. This course is designed to help fill this gap and ensure that mental health providers are equipped with the tools they need to support patients or clients with eating disorders.
For $150, gain access to online modules that cover the following topics:
This course is accredited with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association for 3 CEU credits.