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On this page, you'll find information and links to our upcoming and past webinars. A full playlist of the videos in chronological order is also available here.
This English-language webinar is intended for educators instructing students in Canada. Information and teaching tools shared will be relevant for French audiences - including specific resources presented in French.
A follow-up to our spring session with ANEB Québec, this webinar:
Facilitated by Josée Lavigne from ANEB Québec and Ary Maharaj from NEDIC, the goals of the webinar were to help attendees:
Learn about a free, evidence-informed curriculum tool for students in Grades 4-8, Beyond Images or Au-delà de l'image.
Join our Outreach & Education team in a webinar about the ways eating disorder risk intersect with the COVID-19 pandemic, what eating disorder prevention looks like, and practical recommendations to address these challenges in the school environment.
Body image is still a concern during the pandemic -- we see it in memes on social media. Helen Vlachoyannacos and Heather Thompson are experienced teachers who wrote the Beyond Images curriculum. Join them for a webinar aimed at parents to learn more about teaching body image and using activities from Beyond Images outside of the classroom.
Les jeunes qui ont une piètre estime de leur image corporelle tendent à devenir des personnes qui hésitent à exprimer leurs opinions et qui peuvent en venir à éviter certaines opportunités académiques, sociales et économiques. Développer sa résilience dès la petite enfance est la clé pour acquérir une meilleure image corporelle et estime de soi. audeladelimage.ca
Helen Vlachoyannacos and Heather Thompson, writers and educators, introduce NEDIC's Beyond Images curriculum for youth in Grades 4-8.
This session will provide an introduction to the subject of body image and share tips for educators who wish to weave it into the classroom. Heather Thompson and Helen Vlachoyannacos wrote the Beyond Images curriculum for NEDIC and will share their advice and perspectives on teaching body image to youth. They will also introduce the newly revised Beyond Images curriculum, which is complete tool for educators and meets curriculum expectations for grades 4-8 across Canada.
Studies show that how we feel about our bodies affects how we do socially, academically and physically. Understanding how body image is impacted in the school environment is fundamental to building resilience and positive self-esteem. Join Helen Vlachoyannacos, OCT in exploring school-based experiences of body image and how to build resilience and self-esteem in the whole school community. Helen will address how to build community around body image issues among educators, parents, families and community members.
The meaning of fat is in constant flux. Why do we understand fat as bad? Who is fat and what constitutes fatness? Is it a number on a scale or a BMI measurement? Is it a quantitative, treatable illness or a qualitative, lifelong accumulation of experiences? This presentation aims to consider the prevalence of taken for granted truths about fat bodies and health and specifically the ways that a fear of fat may have broad societal impacts on people of all sizes. By looking at fat as a relevant and controversial identity experience, we aim to explore the intersections and interstices between how we are seen and how we are treated; between who we are and who we are presumed to be. Presented by May Friedman (Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Ryerson University) and Sabrina Friedman (Social Worker).
This session, presented by Kori Kostka RD, Doron Eisen MD, and Claudia Mariano NP, reviews the impact of a weight-based approach on patient care and health outcomes; and challenge participants by presenting a new paradigm using Health At Every Size(R) from a registered dietitian, family physician, and nurse practitioner perspective for weight management referrals which can transform patients and health teams. The presenters comment on the challenges and possible solutions for implementing this approach in a team-based environment.
Educators and caregivers often try to protect children from falling victim to the “obesity epidemic”. Although they may have the best intentions, their attitudes toward food and weight may actually increase the risk of eating disorders and poor body image of the children in their care. In this webinar, Susan Osher MSc, RD discusses the latest research and shares her clinical experience on creating a positive and nurturing food environment. She focuses on strategies that empower and educate children so that they are able to nourish themselves with self-love.
Studies show that children and youth are particularly vulnerable to developing negative body-image and unhealthy relationships with food after being teased or judged about their weight and appearance. At a time when kids are increasingly anxious about appearances and fitting in, it’s more important than ever to have open conversations to support their healthy and happy development. This panel discussion will offer perspectives from a mother, a teacher, a registered dietician, and a fitness instructor, as they weigh in on how best to support positive body-image in youth while breaking down myths about health, weight, and physical development.
Featured panelists: Stephanie Massey, Elaine Cole, Lori Short-Zamudio, Michelle Pitman, and Bronwen Tuck.
Health At Every Size (HAES)® is an alternative paradigm to the traditional weight-focused approach. In this webinar, Kori Kostka, RD discusses her experience using this non-weight biased paradigm to help individuals build a positive body image, enjoy food, and discover the pleasure of moving their body to attain a sustainable, life-affirming and health-providing outcome.
Does a presenter’s self disclosure of a past eating disorder impact the effectiveness of prevention messages? In this webinar, Dr. Jennifer Mills and Alyssa Durbin discuss the results of their recent study investigating how presenter self-disclosure influences message and presenter ratings in a school-based universal prevention program.
This webinar will review the current state of eating disorder prevention research, what has been shown to work, and where future research efforts appear to be heading. Dr. Jennifer Mills is a full-time Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at York University. She conducts research on body image and eating disorders. Shasha Tse is a doctoral student at OISE at the University of Toronto. Her research interests include body image, eating disorders, and substance use.
In this webinar, Sara Santarossa, PhD Candidate from the University of Windsor’s Community Health, Environment, and Wellness (CHEW) Lab, will introduce orthorexia, and how orthorexia has been conceptualized by the media, with a particular emphasis on the role of social media. Viewers will receive a brief introduction into background literature and research on orthorexia, including diagnostic tools and potential treatment ideas as well as being given practical tips and tricks for warning signs and social media use.
While ARFID is a relatively new diagnosis, cases of children, youth, and adults who are anxious, reluctant or struggling to eat are well-documented in the literature. In this webinar, Grace Wong, RD, will expand on the Bulletin articles she co-authored with Dr. Katja Rowell. They advocate to view and understand feeding and eating challenges through a developmental and relational perspective. Many individuals presenting with ARFID have struggled since early childhood and might have "failed" pediatric interventions. This webinar aims to provide you with practical information to assess feeding and eating difficulties faced by individuals and families and to provide guidance using a responsive feeding therapy approach for ARFID (RFT-ARFID).
What is Type 1 Diabetes? What is diabulimia? Lori-Short-Zamudio, a registered dietitian, explains and offers some ideas to reduce the risk and for treatment interventions.
Cohosted by JDRF Canada and NEDIC, this webinar for healthcare professionals on type 1 diabetes (T1D), disordered eating and eating disorders expands on an introductory webinar presented in 2023. The panel of expert guest speakers discussed two clinical case studies, addressing the distinction between disordered eating behaviour in T1D and eating disorders, the significance of adjusting clinical interventions, and the importance of transitional phases and patient stigmatization.
This webinar is also available in French.
JDRF Canada and NEDIC partnered to cohost this webinar for healthcare professionals on type 1 diabetes (T1D), disordered eating, and eating disorders. Join Dr. Sylvain Iceta, a psychiatrist and researcher, Dr. Anne Sophie Brazeau, a nutritionist and researcher, and Dr. Aude Bandini, a patient partner and social scientist, to learn more about the clinical and mental health aspects of disordered eating in people living with T1D.
This webinar is also available in French.
Many neurodivergent folks encounter barriers when accessing eating disorder care, leading to feelings of invalidation and discouragement which ultimately impacts their course of treatment. In this webinar, we will provide an overview of neurodiversity, explore its intersection with eating disorders, and offer examples of what neurodiversity-affirming eating disorder care could look like in practice. The goal of this webinar is to encourage practitioners and clients alike to consider neurodiversity's impact on the lived experience of eating disorders, and empower them to provide and advocate for more affirming care.
Presented by: Sophie Raniere (she/her), Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) & Josée Sovinsky (she/they), Registered Dietitian, Registered Psychotherapist
This presentation, facilitated by Linda Douglas (she/her), BSc, RDH, will provide the following tips to help maintain your oral health, comfort, and quality of life while experiencing or recovering from an eating disorder:
While this webinar is geared towards folks living with an eating disorder, anyone (e.g. caregivers, health care providers) are welcome to attend.
In this webinar, Dr. Katherine Henderson and Dr. Shari Mayman will introduce a model for treating concurrent eating disorders (EDs) and substance use disorders (SUDs). Viewers will receive a brief review of the state of treatment for concurrent EDs/SUDs and will be introduced to an integrated approach that focuses on underlying emotional processes as well as problematic symptoms and behaviors. C-CARE is a lifespan model that allows for continuity of care across life transitions (i.e. youth to adult) and addresses the current silos in treatment programming for EDs and SUDs.
Is it possible to manage your blood sugar levels without the fear of food, and the preoccupation with carbohydrates, sugar, calories, portions, etc.?! In our fast-paced environment, managing your blood sugar may feel like another full-time task on top of your already busy life! Using a mindful approach, however, can help to lower the burden and stress of diabetes and find a way to look at living with diabetes in a practical way that works for you. In this webinar, Kori Kostka, RD explains how with mindful approach to eating and moving your body, you can great while living with diabetes.
In this webinar Alma Naddafi, RN (EC), MA Ed, ACNP, discusses the impact that eating disorders can have on fertility and infertility, and how clinicians and eating disorder patients can be mindful of these impacts while working toward full healthy recovery. Clinicians, patients, and family members alike will benefit from this introduction to the intersections between menstrual cycling, fertility, and eating disorders.
When most people think about women struggling with eating disorders, women with physical disabilities are rarely considered, despite the fact that studies and clinical observations have suggested that women with physical disabilities are actually at increased risk for developing an eating disorder. This webinar will discuss the role of physical disability in the development, maintenance, and treatment of disordered eating in women. Join Dr. Jennifer Mills and Kaley Roosen as they identify the severity of disordered eating within the population of women with physical disabilities and discuss possible differences in how eating disorders manifest in this population.
In this webinar, Dori Zener, MSW, RSW, discusses the co-occurrence of autism spectrum disorders and eating disorders, and provides recommendations for supporting clients on the spectrum who experience eating difficulties, including strategies for providing therapy that is tailored to their needs.
Thanks to the gracious support of the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council's Partnership Engage program and the Mitacs Accelerate program, NEDIC, Western University, and the University of Toronto were able to partner to develop a program that aims to foster positive body image and prevent disordered eating among girls engaged in youth sport.
While this new program, entitled Athletes Embodied, is still under development, sport stakeholders across Canada were invited to participate in focus groups last year and we'd love to share our initial findings with you.
In this one-hour webinar, attendees will:
The body is central to the experience of athletes and becomes a tool to be honed, sculpted, manipulated and optimized in a quest for improved performance. This attitude towards the body can engender unhealthy relationships with food and exercise which do not fit neatly into pathological categories, but are dysfunctional, nuanced and complex. In this webinar, Dr. Sarah Gairdner explores the varied manifestations of food and body distress which can occur for athletes (women, men and regardless of their sport).
In this webinar, Dianne Bondy, Dr. Jennifer Kreatsoulas, and Dr. Dianne Neumark-Sztainer will discuss the impact of yoga on body image concerns and eating disorder prevention, in addition to exploring whether yoga can be effectively integrated into eating disorder treatment. Viewers will receive a review of how yoga has been portrayed in recent media messaging and will be introduced to the positive and/or negative effects of yoga on people being treated for or at risk of an eating disorder.
In this webinar, Eva Pila MSc reviews the latest research on social physique anxiety in exercise, sport, and physical education and discuss its impact on eating disorders. The webinar includes evidence-based strategies to reduce body-related anxiety that can be applied by parents, teachers, fitness instructors and health professionals.
Support and treatment for distressed and distorted eating has historically excluded the needs of two spirit, trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people. Join us for an exploration of the many opportunities to better support the needs of gender diverse clients.
Presented by: Sookie Bardwell (she/they), MA., OCT & Zac Grant (they/them), MSW RSW
Eating disorders represent an enormous public health challenge, yet a scant amount of resources exist to address them. This community discussion aims to explore barriers that prevent folks from getting involved in the eating disorders field and how these may be broken down or overcome.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, we have seen the function of social media expanding. In addition to providing people a platform to connect, social media is increasingly used as a means to provide information, influence policy, and carry-out education and work activities. We know that social media has varied impacts on mental health, and research and lived experience demonstrate that social media has a powerful influence on body image, self-concept, and eating habits. Recent media coverage of Facebook’s data has brought issues related to technology and mental health to the forefront.
Through this panel discussion, we aim to explore the relationship between social media, body image, and eating disorders/disordered eating, from a variety of perspectives. We aim to increase attendees’ understanding of strategies to engage with social media in a manner that supports recovery and mental health and well-being.
According to Food Banks Canada, there are 1.1 million visits to food banks every month. Food insecurity has increased dramatically as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, compounding the inequitable impacts we've seen from the pandemic across many facets of our society. Research literature and anecdotal experience tell us that people who experience food insecurity are more likely to develop eating disorder symptoms than those who do not.
As Part 1 of a two-part event, this panel discussion will explore the relationship between food insecurity and eating disorders, with a focus on intersecting factors such as race and body size. We aim to increase attendees’ understanding of how to access care and support for these issues.
Jointly hosted by the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work (FIFSW) at the University of Toronto, Sheena’s Place, and the National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC), this webinar featured Kyle T. Ganson (he/him), PhD, MSW, Assistant Professor at the FIFSW, whose research and clinical social work practice experience has focused on boys and men who experience eating disorders. Topics covered included updated prevalence of eating disorders and disordered eating, nuances of presentations, barriers to care, and tangible assessment and intervention strategies to translate directly to practice. There was a special focus placed on muscularity-oriented disordered eating, considerations across racial and ethnic identities, and gender and sexual orientation.
In this webinar, panelists Joy Ssebikindu, LPC, Malak Saddy, RD, LD, CEDRD-S, and Aaron Flores, RDN discuss the nuances of religious and spiritual fasting and the intersections with eating disorders. Viewers will learn about: differences between various types of fasts; ways to navigate conversations with clients who are in treatment about fasting; and practices that can help service providers take a stance of cultural humility on this issue.
There has been a growing recognition of the diversity of those who struggle with eating disorders across age, gender, sexuality, ability, race, class, body size and other lines of identity. Yet there remains a lack of research and understanding surrounding food insecurity and the impact this has on diverse, marginalized populations with eating disorders. Presenter Christina Hyland is a second-year doctoral student at the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto. Christina’s scholarship focuses on the mental health implications of food insecurity and eating disorders as experienced by marginalized youth populations.
A personal trainer who has recovered from an eating disorder, Jay Walker brings a unique perspective to his work in body-image and fitness. Jay hopes to help people understand how the fitness industry can impact men’s relationships with their bodies, challenging misconceptions about health and recovery along the way.
Frank Colosimo and Robbie Ahmed from Egale Canada discuss the m.Bodiment project, and ways for healthcare providers to be inclusive of the specific body image/eating disorder needs of the GBTQ community.
According to Food Banks Canada, there are 1.1 million visits to food banks every month. Food insecurity has increased dramatically as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, compounding the inequitable impacts we've seen from the pandemic across many facets of our society. Research literature and anecdotal experience tell us that people who experience food insecurity are more likely to develop eating disorder symptoms than those who do not.
As Part 2 of a two-part event, join us for an educational eating disorder-informed cooking session where Sheena's Place nutrition group facilitator, Sari Papular, will share tangible skills for preparing nourishing and delicious meals on a budget.
Winter holidays can be challenging, particularly for those coping with disordered eating. Join us as we explore ways to draw on social support, and coping strategies to manage difficulties such as grief, isolation, and diet culture that may be particularly heightened this year. We’ll also cover the support and programs available across Canada. Facilitated by Ary Maharaj (he/him), M.Ed, RP (Qualifying), Raquel Poley (she/her), MSW, RSW, Kaitlyn Axelrod (she/her), MSW, RSW, & Kelsey Johnston (she/her), MSW, RSW Note: This was an educational webinar, not a therapeutic group. This webinar will not offer medical or clinical advice; however, it will provide a space to learn and share coping strategies.
This webinar by Debbie Anderson, Art Therapist is an opportunity for anyone interested in the benefits of journaling as a support for ED healing to see in more detail why the art journaling option can be a powerful 'other voice in the room' for group discussion, and for internal change for the art-maker.
Abstinence, or the elimination of all eating disorder symptoms and behaviours, is often considered essential to eating disorder recovery. Through a social justice lens, eating disorders are increasingly being understood as experiences relating to systemic inequalities. Yet, this abstinence-based approach to recovery fails to consider individuals' unique experiences of marginalization and the reality of relapse. What should happen if an individual is not open to the end goal of abstinence, is unable to stop all eating disorder behaviours, or cannot access timely, appropriate services/supports? This webinar will explore why harm reduction is a valid and necessary approach in the context of eating disorders. Attendees will learn harm reduction strategies that can be used this holiday season.
In this webinar, Dr. Danielle MacDonald, staff psychologist for Toronto General' Hospital's Eating Disorders program, introduces viewers to key dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) skills that may be helpful in promoting a greater sense of body acceptance. Viewers will receive a brief orientation to the principles of DBT, and an introduction to specific skills that may be useful for clients with eating disorders.
For almost 20 years, Debbie Berlin-Romalis facilitated support groups at Sheena’s Place, a non-residential, non-institutional centre in Toronto, Ontario for individuals, families, and friends affected by eating disorders. Through her clinical work and observations, Debbie developed “trademarked concepts” that illustrate and highlight specific phenomena related to the social determinants of health and the onset and development of eating disorders.
This webinar provides an overview of the integration of Emotion-Focused Family Therapy and the New Maudsley Approach, offering a novel approach to eating disorder recovery and to the role of families in that recovery. Dr. Joanne Dolhanty, PhD, CPsych and Dr. Adele Lafrance Robinson, PhD, CPsych will outline the ways in which the two models are similar, and the unique contributions that each has brought to the integration. Clinicians viewing this webinar will learn to utilize new ways of involving the families of those living with eating disorders as critical partners in care.