
NEDIC has a unique perspective and capacity to provide commentary on:

  • the latest eating disorders news and discourse;
  • the healthcare system and access needs or gaps in services;
  • what we've been hearing from people affected by eating disorders and those supporting them on our helpline – this can reflect strategies and challenges in adapting to our changing sociocultural environment;
  • tips on being eating disorder-sensitive, such as how to foster food- and body-neutral environments and navigate everyday diet culture;
  • the way eating disorders intersect with other health and mental health conditions; and
  • eating disorder awareness and advocacy campaigns (including Eating Disorders Awareness Week).

    Due to the anonymous and confidential nature of our helpline services, we cannot provide patient comments. If we have the capacity, we'd be happy to help connect you with local community-based organizations for your specific request as needed.

We invite you to connect with us if you have any questions about what we can and cannot help with regarding media requests. 

For eating disorder support and information, connect with our helpline via chat at or by phone at 1-866-NEDIC-20 (toll-free) or 416-340-4156 (GTA). The National Eating Disorder Information Centre is a registered charity and Canada's source for eating disorder information, support, and resources.